News Archives

Leaders: Everything Means Something

Leaders: Everything Means Something

by. Matt Monge There’s this weird little thing a few people have heard me say before. It’s a silly, awkwardly-constructed sentence, but it’s true nonetheless. Everything means something. Profound, yes? I think [...]

Don’t Let New Social Media Regulations Trip You Up

by. Georgann Smith Back in January, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) issued a proposed risk management guidance for the use of social media. The FFIEC regulations include several requirements: Social media strategies Regular [...]

Closing the Generation Gap: Traditionals

Closing the Generation Gap: Traditionals

Traditionals (a.k.a. “Veterans” or “The Silent Generation”) were born between 1930 and 1946. While many Traditionals have retired, more of them are choosing to remain in or re-enter the workforce. Typically in positions [...]

Credit Unions and Social Media: What’s Your Policy?

By Douglas Hattaway According to a 2012 poll by CUNA Mutual Group, 94% of credit unions are investing time and money in Facebook as part of their marketing strategy, and only 1% of credit unions [...]

Why The World Just Got Smaller…

by Sean McDonald ...for me. I just spent two days in Madison, WI working with the World Council of Credit Unions on a project designed to help credit unions attract a younger audience.  What made [...]

Comprehensive Data: Mother Lode Waiting to Be Mined

by Carl Meiswinkel From tracking loan payments to uploading information from loan applications, all credit unions use data. But are we using it effectively or does it just seem like clumps of random facts? Most [...]

Checking Account Lunacy

by Steve Topper In a normal environment, the consumer checking account is a very simple product.  It’s a basic bank account you open to hold your money until you need it.  As you need [...]

5 Things You Need to Realize About The Cloud

by Royce Yeager Have you been exploring cloud, but don’t feel like it is living up to your expectations in concept? This post is for you. There are a widely varying number of things [...]

Alignment Matters

Alignment Matters

Since 1995 I have worked with hundreds of credit union leaders on various aspects of organizational strategy (thousands if you count conferences, schools, and workshops... but who’s counting?). Over that same time period my [...]

10 Coworkers You Want to Kick in the Keister

10 Coworkers You Want to Kick in the Keister

by Matt Monge There is no such thing as a perfect workplace. No. Such. Thing. Every organization’s got its own quirks and oddities. Just for kicks, here are some of the folks you’ll [...]