News Archives

Opening Is the New Closing

by. Jeff Rendel Over the past year, specialists in sales success have recognized sales traits (and subsequent skills) that predictably deliver results. Simply put, experts, consultants, and closers reliably produce superior outcomes in sales. Experts [...]

Your Most Important Assets Aren’t Assets

Your Most Important Assets Aren’t Assets

by. Mark Arnold Financial institutions have all kinds of assets. Fixed assets. Branches. Loans. Investments. You get the idea. Most of the assets are things. The reality is that the most important assets at credit [...]

18 Things Workplaces Need, More or Less

18 Things Workplaces Need, More or Less

1. More collaboration. 2. Less “collaboration.” 3. More teams that trust each other based on a mutual humanness and vulnerability. 4. Fewer teams that think because they did a trust exercise this one time, they [...]

You’ve Got To Be In It To Win It?

by. Henry Meier I like gambling as much as the next guy, but I have never quite understood the appeal of the state lottery.  When I compare my chances of winning to the taxes I [...]

Amish vs CU Marketing: Is Their Budget Outpacing Yours?

Amish vs CU Marketing: Is Their Budget Outpacing Yours?

Not too long ago I was talking to a marketing friend of mine who was extremely excited about doing creative for her client, the Amish.  She was getting ready to do a series of billboards, [...]

Your Members and What Matters

Your Members and What Matters

by William Azaroff Vancouver is a rainy place. People think Seattle's rainy, but after living in both places, believe me, Vancouver is way rainier. Look it up. And so our summers are sacred. People get [...]

Bank Brings Back Free Checking

by Steve Topper Now here’s a bit of good news on the checking account front – a community bank drops free checking, sees the error of its way, and brings it back. After surveying customers, [...]

Ability to Pay Rules for Credit Cards

by Bernadette Clair I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend!  Now, it’s back to the grind… Earlier this month, my colleague JiJi blogged about the CFPB’s final ruleamending Regulation Z’s ability to [...]

How Strong BCP Can Make Your Core Converstion Easier

by Royce Yeager It used to be said that core conversions (or “migrations” if you want to use a less adrenaline -producing word) were like open heart surgery. Only the best of the best were [...]

Why Do Signature Cards Still Exist?

by Melanie Friedrichs In Chapter 5 of Bank 3.0, Brett King briefly outlines the primary challenges to making easy to apply for accounts and loans online: "In some instances, customers are still being asked [...]