News Archives

Mobile Wallets: What’s The Value Proposition?

by Ron Shevlin Mobile Payments Today reported on a Finextra study of banks’ mobile wallet plans. Regarding mobile payments, the study found that: “81% of banks are looking to add value beyond the transaction, including [...]

The Blessing of Pending Doom

by Anthony Demangone All companies do well.  Until they don't.  Most companies form around an idea.  That idea solves a problem. And people will pay for that idea. But time marches on, and problems morph.  [...]

Why Mobile Will Revitalize Online

by: Mark Schwanhausser When smartphones hit the scene, the reaction in the financial services industry was predictable and practical. Innovative financial institutions rushed to roll out a user experience that mirrored what customers had come [...]

Mortgage Rates Rising, Could Impact Refinancing

Fixed-mortgage rates in the U.S. are trending higher for a third consecutive week, putting pressure on refinance momentum, according to Freddie Mac's recently released Primary Mortgage Market Survey. That could help credit unions, which [...]

Do We Spy On Our Members?

Do We Spy On Our Members?

The news reports over the last few days detailing the extensive nature of the government’s data collection efforts make this as good a time as any to broach a question that’s been bugging [...]

5 Reasons our Leadership Planning Session Rocked

5 Reasons our Leadership Planning Session Rocked

by. Matt Monge The exec team I’m privileged to work with had its strategic planning session over the past few days. Aside from fighting a stupid migraine both days, I thought it was a [...]

Red, White and Blue

Red, White and Blue

On June 14, our country will celebrate Flag Day. It is the day we honor the Stars and Stripes, the Star Spangled Banner, the symbol by which the United States has become known: the flag [...]

Exactly How Important is Data, Really?

Exactly How Important is Data, Really?

Big Data this, Member Data that...really?  Just exactly how important is “knowing your data?” He who owns the data wins.  And by owns…I mean he who compiles, analyzes, understands and leverages the member [...]

Silos and the ‘Acid River of Change’

By Lisa Hochgraf Earlier this month, CUES staff gathered to talk about organizational values, the company's vision and how to work together ever better as we move forward. One task in our session was to [...]

How To Use A Credit Union Disaster Recovery Plan Template

by Robin Remines Credit unions are unique in that collaboration, not competition, drives their relationships with their peers. Sharing best practices and lessons learned allows credit unions to meet strategic goals while mitigating the risk [...]

Long-term Rates And Mortgages

According to data provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, May saw both the lowest and highest 10-year Treasury yields of 2013.  On May 1st the 10-year constant maturity Treasury yield was 1.[...]