News Archives

How Technology & Economics Are Changing Branches

How Technology & Economics Are Changing Branches

Is technology causing branches to close but service to thrive? That is both a question and the title of a new white paper from two of CUNA’s Councils (the Operations, Sales & Service Council [...]

Credit Unions: Are You Playing Games?

by. Sean McDonald One of my favorite business books is called “Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless. Customer Loyalty Is Priceless,” by Jeffrey Gitomer.  While I am personally thrilled that Gitomer wrote an entire book on this [...]

The Branch’s Love/Hate Relationship with Technology

by Brian Bailey, NCR Corporation. Technology has killed the bank branch. You’ve heard this refrain before. Online banking. Intelligent deposit ATMs. Mobile banking. The future of mobile wallets. These technologies that make our lives [...]

The New Community Bank

The New Community Bank

In recent years there has been a tremendous loss in the number of institutions known as community banks. And although they continue to play a significant role in certain communities, it has been diminished. According [...]

Guidance Is Nice. Sure…But Do We Have To Follow It?

by Anthony Demangone Chances are, most members of a credit union's executive team did not come up the ranks of the credit union's compliance or audit teams. Thoughts of the Code of Federal Regulations or [...]

3 Ways Your Credit Union Risk Assessment Can Help You Sleep

3 Ways Your Credit Union Risk Assessment Can Help You Sleep

by Robin Remines Today’s credit union leaders are faced with the growing complexity of securing their I.T infrastructure while strictly adhering to an exponentially growing body of regulations. We have clients ask us [...]

Using Twitter in Disaster Recovery

Using Twitter in Disaster Recovery

By Jim Benlein, CISA, CISM Simple. Direct. Effective. Fast. If asked, many credit unions will point to these as key reasons they use Twitter to connect and communicate with members. The fact that Twitter is [...]

Spread and Yield Considerations in Member Business Lending

by. Loren Houchen Member business lending (MBL) represents an attractive asset class for credit unions when executed with due diligence. MBL can be a profitable investment with good returns accompanied by product, rate, term and [...]

3 Things To Change About The Qualified Mortgage Rule

by. Henry Meier Yesterday’s Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee hearing on CFPB’s qualified mortgage regulations ended up being more than a cathartic exercise in bureau bashing.  When you get bankers, supervisors, credit [...]

Having Passion Really Does Pay!

American Express recently launched its Passion Project  (#Passion Project).  This is a six-month campaign and social media initiative where anyone is invited to submit an idea for a project by answering two simple questions: 1)     [...]