News Archives

More Ways to Get a Marketing Envelope Opened

by Joe Swatek Some days ago, I showed you examples of two envelope promotions that used faux checks in the envelope windows. There are a few marketing techniques on the envelopes themselves that I want [...]

What Bacon Can Do For Your Credit Union

What Bacon Can Do For Your Credit Union

by Bo McDonald Remember that scene from the movie Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks when his buddy Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) recited all the ways to serve shrimp?  It makes me think about the new rage [...]

To Share or Not to Share on Social Media

by Nicole Reyes As the U.S. continues its migration to EMV cards, this shift leaves the fraudsters needing to evolve away from counterfeiting and moving towards other, more “old school” methods such as account-takeovers [...]

Is There a Pressing Need for Mobile Commercial Payments?

by. Jeff Fisher From a consumer perspective, I wholeheartedly believe mobile is a necessary service channel.  I am all about mobile, but we are not hearing a pressing need from the wholesale banking community to [...]

Do Regulators Pose A Risk To The Qualified Mortgage Rule?

by. Henry Meier The CFPB’s Qualified Mortgage regulation reminds me of those ads where an adult asks a group of kids a question like  “What type of mortgage is better? A Qualified Mortgage with [...]

SBA Nearly Triples Small Business Size Standard for Banks and Credit Unions

by. Keith Leggett The Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a final rule increasing small business size standards for several industries, including commercial banks, savings institutions, and credit unions. The rule increases the size standard from $[...]

Taxes, Taxes, And More Taxes With CUNA’s Bill Cheney

Taxes, Taxes, And More Taxes With CUNA’s Bill Cheney

  CUNA's 2013 America's Credit Union Conference is next week. To get a quick preview, we invited CUNA's President/CEO Bill Cheney on the program for an inside look on the speakers, sessions, and events [...]