News Archives

Winning The Battle, But Losing The War

by Anthony Demangone The Washington Post business section publishes wonderful "Question and Answer" articles with successful/famous CEOs.   Nearly every one gives me something to think about. Last Friday, they published another gem that highlights [...]

Time to Talk Turkey on ‘Volunteer’ Boards

Paying Board Members Can Be A Logical Process by Sarah Snell Cooke ’m very much what you see is what you get. I feel the need to forewarn bosses that I will always be honest [...]

Checking In For Wellness

On of the toughest jobs a leader can take on is leading horizontally and leading up. Leading without authority or the power of title is a critical skill that all great leaders have learned. Even [...]

The Amazon Mortgage?

by Tim Mislansky Last week, I was in Seattle for a family vacation. Seattle has a reputation for being a place where it always rains. And true to form, it rained almost every day we [...]

Why Some Consumers Are Still Hesitant about Prepaid Cards

by. Konrad Christensen In my previous post “Why Consumers Choose Prepaid Cards,” I referenced a series of focus group findings with prepaid card consumers from Pew Health Group’s Financial Security Portfolio. The focus groups [...]

Sexual Orientation and Fair Lending Laws

by. Henry Meier The Supreme Court’s recent rulings striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and refusing to consider a challenge to California’s same sex marriage law are sure to give new [...]

Too Big For Their Breaches

by Jim Blaine, Despite the massive legal and legislative wranglings, over the last few years, between retailers and credit card issuers, one major source of argument and friction remains unresolved. That issue, that source of [...]

Growing By Aligning

by Mark Arnold In a recent post (The One Thing), we asked several financial services experts, “What is the one strategic thing credit unions or banks must do to grow?” We received keen insights from [...]

Credit Union Cloud Efficiencies – A CFO’s Perspective

by. Robin Remines Continuing with our Ongoing Operations Intel – CFO – Bill Wells weighs in on credit union cloud efficiencies! Finance teams in small and medium sized organizations have historically been located together, usually at headquarters.  [...]

One Year and Two Dollars Later

by. Shari Storm In 2012 I compiled “23 Credit Union Truths” for this blog site and we later discussed them on the Current Issues in Credit Unions podcast. Truth number 9 was “You can spend $[...]