News Archives

Who are Your Biggest Competitors?

Who are your competitors and what does this mean for the future of your banking model? “In a world where a competitive advantage often evaporates in less than a year, companies can’t afford to [...]

What’s on Your Secret Menu?

by. Tim Mislansky Did you know that most fast food restaurants have a secret menu? Probably not because after all, they are secret. Many  now have special items that are not on their menu but [...]

A Marketing Plan that Clearly Added Vision

by. Debra Trautman Credit union marketers and business development professionals had a very special opportunity this past March during the CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference in Anaheim, CA. The opportunity included working with [...]

Make New Ideas Part of Everyday Business

Make New Ideas Part of Everyday Business

People always think innovation means “new” and “way out” new, but it also may just be figuring out better ways to do things. Rita McGrath, a professor at New York’s Columbia Business School, will [...]

Credit Union Training Update

Credit Union Training Update

What are trainers focusing on in 2013? After years of scaled-back spending, credit unions are once again finding budget space to dedicate to professional development. According to results from the most recent CUNA State of [...]

Click Here For a FREE…

Click Here For a FREE…

by Bo McDonald Oops, sorry wrong headline. You thought you were actually going to get something for free? So did hundreds, perhaps thousands of people a few weeks ago when they got an email from [...]

10 Quick Quotes to Stimulate Your Thinking

By Kristie Wimmer The Ohio Council of CUES hosted an educational meeting in early May featuring Michael Hudson, Ph.D., president of Credit Union Strategy in Rehoboth Beach, Del. Hudson is a quotable guy, and [...]

CFPB Rulemaking Agenda

BY KELLY THOMPSON COCHRANToday, we are posting a semi-annual update of our rulemaking agenda in conjunction with a broader initiative led by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to publish a Unified Agenda of [...]

Evacuation Lessons – Credit Union Disaster Preparedness

by Michele Dowis Working in credit union disaster preparedness allows us to see/learn from many situations. I’m sitting here tonight thinking about how to improve my clients emergency response procedures – specifically those dealing [...]

Building Digital Delivery Strategy

Building Digital Delivery Strategy

Today’s world offers more ways for credit unions to deliver their products and services to their members than ever before. Current predominate delivery channels include: Branches Contact centers ATM/ (Personal Teller Machines) Website with [...]