News Archives

Collision Damage Waiver: Auto Rental Insurance Explained

Collision Damage Waiver: Auto Rental Insurance Explained

by. Zachary Ehrlich Auto rental insurance is hardly one of the deciding factors when searching for the right credit card. This is largely because while you look for the financial institution that will get you [...]

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Today, 53 percent of consumers wouldn’t even consider switching to a credit union or bank that didn’t have a physical branch nearby. In fact, 51 percent say branch location plays a huge part [...]

Unlocking Outstanding Member Service

By Mike Neill A unique dedication toward member service stems from the Seven Cooperative Principles of Credit Unions. But every credit union has room for improvement. What if you could eliminate errors, reduce miscommunications, and [...]

Social Media, Staff, and the Rules

by Arnold Ramirez Although an employee’s “harmless” venting via social media could potentially damage the reputation or credibility of an employer, California law now prevents employers from asking to require access to an employee [...]

Survey Says?

Survey Says?

by Tim Mislansky I used to love watching Family Feud. I mean the old Family Feud with Richard Dawson. He was a classic game show host. He got to parade around the stage. He got [...]

CFPB Releases 2013 Dodd-Frank Mortgage Rules Readiness Guide

by. JiJi Bahhur On Monday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released its first version of the 2013 Dodd-Frank Mortgage Rules Readiness Guide.  The Guide is made for use by financial institutions of all sizes [...]

Better Staff Buy-in Using Campaign Packages

by. Joe Swatek Your magnificent marketing campaign can come to a crashing stop when responders reach your branches or customer service offices. It seems the staff can’t answer prospects’ questions or fulfill the promises [...]

The Importance of Retail

The Importance of Retail

Look around your home or office. What about this location makes you feel comfortable there? What makes you feel uncomfortable? These environments are second nature in how they affect us in our daily lives, however, [...]

Sophisticated Phishing

by. Nicole Reyes In previous posts, I explained how fraudsters are right now honing their phishing skills in preparation for the U.S. migration to EMV cards, which will make counterfeiting cards nearly impossible. A [...]