News Archives

Credit Unions Using Financial Literacy

BY ROY PAGE According to the Survey of the States conducted by the Council for Economic Education in 2011, only 22 states require high school students to complete an economics course, with only 16 requiring [...]

Are You Paying Your Loan Originators Properly?

by. Henry Meier Are your loan originators work-a-day Joe’s whose lack of discretion makes them more analogous to assembly line workers who simply put together part of a mortgage or does your typical originator [...]

Surviving the Annual Credit Union Disaster Recovery Plan Update!

by. Tim Daugherty So you’ve been tasked with the annual credit union disaster recovery plan update ? You graciously accepted  the task and smile broadly until your boss walks away. Once those words are spoken [...]

Comprehensive Data: Mother Lode Waiting to Be Mined

by. Carl Meiswinkel From tracking loan payments to uploading information from loan applications, all credit unions use data. But are we using it effectively or does it just seem like clumps of random facts? Most [...]

Big Data and Cross-Selling with Klacko and VanBeek

Big Data and Cross-Selling with Klacko and VanBeek

  We all know the importance of cross-selling for credit unions and on today's show we take it a step further with Micronotes' cross-sell technology for digital banking. Micronotes Christian Klacko explains how his company [...]

Implementing Change is Like Running the Gauntlet

Implementing Change is Like Running the Gauntlet

by Mark Arnold If you’ve ever tried implementing change at your credit union or bank, you know how difficult it can be. In fact, it is a lot like Running the Gauntlet, the title [...]

Big Ideas… And More Books!

by Anthony Demangone Hosting a conference is not easy.  It is akin to hosting a party.  The party is for them, not you. So while your guests are having a good time, you're working hard [...]

Workplace Choice Drives Performance And Innovation

by Heather Horrocks Gensler recently released its 2013 U.S. Workplace Survey, which used a sample of 2,035 respondents to better understand the workplace, design trends, and employee preferences.  An interesting finding of the [...]

Take Your Networking Local

by Josh McAfee Being a part of the CUES Greater Southern Council has been one of the biggest blessings of my career to-date.  (Local CUES Councils are a benefit of CUES NextGen Membership, which all [...]

Fixed or Adjustable? A New Take on the Age-Old Question

by Tim Bruculere If you think you’ve heard enough about interest rate risk lately, you’re probably not alone. Recent regulations require many credit unions to have a written policy on interest rate risk ([...]

Banking Leaders Discuss 2014 Strategic Planning Priorities

As we enter the planning season with a marginally better economy than last year, banks and credit unions are faced with margin compression, high operating expenses, new competitors and channel disruption that challenge even the [...]

Is The FED Unwinding The Twist?

by. Henry Meier This article from Politico summarizes my feelings about the latest actions of the FED.  Chairman Bernanke prides himself on reducing uncertainty in financial markets by more publicly articulating the FED’s view [...]