News Archives

The “4C’s” Behind Diamond-Level Digital and Mobile Marketing

Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat are the four “C’s” of diamond buying. Choice, Clarity, Control and Confidence are the four C’s of digital and mobile marketing. No, not “confidence” as in “self-assurance” – “confidence” [...]

Real Credit Union Loans for Fictional Disasters

by NICO The SyFy Channel’s latest cinematic extravaganza, Sharknado, has provided quite a bit of entertainment for people all over the country, regardless of whether or not they have actually seen the movie (and [...]

Now, The Vote Phase!

After a last-minute flurry, the smoke has cleared and we have 29 awesome applicants for the 2013 CUES Next Top Credit Union Exec competition. These folks come from every corner of the credit union and [...]

Game On

Game On

by. Karen Hodgkiss Have you ever seen teenagers engrossed in playing the online game World of Warcraft? Time ceases to exist as they defeat monsters and achieve quests, accumulating an arsenal of skills to help [...]

Sick of Meetings? You’re Not the Only One

Sick of Meetings? You’re Not the Only One

Most corporate institutions, banks and credit unions included, spend a great deal of time in meetings. Staff meetings, management meetings, team meetings and meetings to help plan meetings are but a few. In fact, a [...]

Does Your Credit Union Crisis Plan Include Looting Procedures?

by. Robin Remines Looting is a phenomenon that can follow natural disasters or civil disorders.  Credit unions are not immune to this threat and should update their credit union crisis plan to prepare for such [...]

Four Ways Credit Unions Can Use Big Data

By. Anne Legg We’ve talked about what big data is and how credit unions can get in the game. But how can you make it actually work for you? We’re sharing some tips [...]

5 Questions to Ask Before Changing Your Branch Structure

by Cheryl Wondrasch Very early in my career, my professional mentor and manager frequently made the comment “banks make money in spite of themselves”.  I was in my mid 20’s, a financial analyst, and [...]