News Archives

The Pope’s Credit Union

The Pope’s Credit Union

Recent news out of the UK (The Telegraph and The Guardian) is reporting The Archbishop of Canterbury announcing plans to expand the reach of credit unions. It appears The Reverend Justin Welby who sat on [...]

You Might Be A Manager…

You Might Be A Manager…

by Anthony Demangone Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, I always enjoyed Jeff Foxworthy's comedy routines. Especially the "you might be a redneck" bits.  Sure, they sometimes hit a bit close to home, but I always [...]

Confessions of a Gen-Yer: on Banking

Confessions of a Gen-Yer: on Banking

by Julia Verbrugge I have a confession to make. Though I study Economics at an Ivy League University and work for Andera,   I have no idea how to manage my personal finances. That's right--no clue. [...]

5 Categories of Promotions — Listed by Chances of Success

by. Joe Swatek You want every promotion you put in front of the public to attract more customers and open more accounts at your financial institution. But some promotions, by their general makeup, are more [...]

3 Reasons Leaders Should Laugh More

3 Reasons Leaders Should Laugh More

by. Matt Monge Believe it or not, workplace levity can be quite the lightning-rod topic in many organizations. There are a few moments in my career I won’t soon, if ever, forget. One took [...]

Top Credit Union Business Continuity Planning Resources

by. Michele Dowls How well educated are you in Disaster Recovery and Credit Union Business Continuity Planning?  Are you looking for more information to prepare yourself or your staff?  There are many good resources available!  [...]

Secrets of the Performance Review Revealed

Secrets of the Performance Review Revealed

“This is pointless!”...“This process is ridiculous!”...“All these factors seem completely arbitrary!” …“These questions do not reflect what is really going on!” … “ Everyone knows what works and what doesn’t!” No these are not [...]

A Checking Account as Smart as a Diaper?

by Bo McDonald Could you provide as much info to your members about their finances as a diaper can provide a parent about their infant? You should be able to! Pixie Scientific has developed a [...]

Higher-Priced Mortgage Rules in Effect

by Jami Weems     In June, amendments to rules affecting higher-priced mortgages took effect, making this an opportune time for credit unions to review mortgage lending policies and procedures to ensure compliance. The concept [...]