News Archives

The “Superformula” of Marketing

The “Superformula” of Marketing

No matter what your age, receiving a cancer diagnosis can be devastating.  But imagine you’re a child receiving that news who doesn’t understand the full extent of what that means. But once treatments [...]

Successful Collections Staffing Strategies

By Lisa Hochgraf Logic has it that if you make a mess, you clean it up. Brett Christensen applies this logic in the first of several successful collections staffing strategies he recommended to attendees of [...]

How Credit Unions Can Attract And Retain Top Talent

How Credit Unions Can Attract And Retain Top Talent

  Many CEOs throughout the credit union industry are retiring or are thinking of retiring. It would benefit these credit unions whose CEOs have their sights set on the next chapter of their lives to [...]

What We’re Hearing From Private Student Loan Borrowers

BY ROHIT CHOPRA AND KRISTEN MESSINAToday, we released a mid-year update analyzing complaints from private student loan borrowers. The update explores some of the challenges consumers face when dealing with their lenders and servicers. Last [...]

The CFPB and Compliance Costs: Genuine Concern or Lip Service?

By Matthew D. Urban, Attorney On March 20, 2013, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced in a blog post¹ its intent to study the costs that financial institutions, including credit unions,  incur in order [...]

Approved Legislation Helps Prevent Frivolous Litigation

by Henry Meier All you credit union and banking executives having your first cup of coffee this morning can sip it knowing you are a bit more secure from frivolous lawsuits.  Yesterday, the Governor’s [...]

Debit Card Nightmare

Debit Card Nightmare

by. Henry Meier My headline is only a slight exaggeration.  In case you missed it, a federal court in the District of Columbia yesterday struck down the Federal Reserve’s regulations implementing the Durbin Amendment.  [...]

Living in a Hyper-Connected World

Living in a Hyper-Connected World

Many of you that fly frequently have probably noticed the mad dash people make to turn their cell phones and other gadgets on as soon as (if not before) the pilot gives the all-clear signal. [...]

The Power Of Imagination

The Power Of Imagination

BY MEGAN MIRANDA “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and [...]

Communicating with Members in the Cloud

Communicating with Members in the Cloud

Credit Unions find new opportunity with Cloud CCM It is hard to avoid the buzz around “The Cloud” these days, and for good reason. Using the cloud to access information, storage and services can dramatically [...]