News Archives

I Need Your Help; These Boots Were Made for Walking

by Anthony Demangone At NAFCU's annual conference, I gave a presentation on "20 ideas in 90 minutes." The talk went well. People were energized.  I was happy. After the talk, a credit union executive walked [...]

In An Internet Minute

In An Internet Minute

by Mark Arnold We took our family vacation this year to New York City. Broadway shows. Empire State Building. Statue of Liberty. Wow – everything moved so fast. It reminded us of a few lines from [...]

The Banking Commons

by William Azaroff At the Global Alliance for Banking on Values meeting I attended in June, I learned about and discussed many concepts. One of them was about the Banking Commons. My CEO, Tamara Vrooman [...]

The Durbin Debitectomy

by: nholland Yesterday’s ruling from the United States District Court of Columbia, rejecting the Durbin Amendment was a significant win for retailers and a very significant loss for the card payments industry. Apparently, the “[...]

What Women Want (From Banks and Credit Unions, at Least)

by Julia Verbrugge As a member of Gen-Y, I'm keenly aware that women are a growing force in the workplace, and that they've become a majority on college campuses in America. This is fairly common [...]

Why Can’t My Credit Union Technology Department Move Faster?

Why Can’t My Credit Union Technology Department Move Faster?

by Robin Remines Let’s be real. Year after year your technology budget continues to increase and while you’re seeing results, the time to deliver/implement seems to be slowing down. In fact, it [...]

A Closer Look at the Trillion (student loans)

BY ROHIT CHOPRAA few weeks ago, we released new estimates on the size of the student loan market, which is approaching $1.2 trillion, with federal student loans crossing the $1 trillion mark. While there’[...]

Social Media Isn’t Just for Servicing

Social Media Isn’t Just for Servicing

By Karen Licker In addition to servicing, social media is an important forum for regular communication and marketing….especially among those customers looking to switch banks. According to our J.D. Power and Associates 2013 [...]

You Don’t Know Internets

You Don’t Know Internets

Memes. They're everywhere. Your friends text them to you sometimes. Buzzfeed articles are filled with them. They probably make you laugh. But do they have any place interacting with your brand? Internet memes have become [...]

3-D Printing, Drones and Credit Unions

3-D Printing, Drones and Credit Unions

In the last year, two major innovations have landed in radar of mainstream media: drones and 3-D printing. While they might sound like odd candidates for inspiring credit union innovation, both share more with our [...]