News Archives

HSA Growth Continues at Healthy Clip

HSA Growth Continues at Healthy Clip

Health savings account (HSA) growth continues at a healthy clip, according to the annual census by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national trade association representing the health insurance industry. AHIP’s recently released [...]

Summer Used Vehicle Market Recap

Summer Used Vehicle Market Recap

Finally!  After five consecutive months of declining wholesale auto auction prices, the market stabilized and began a path upward.  According to the Manheim Market Index, prices rose in both June and July; increasing nearly 2% [...]

Employee Engagement at Your Credit Union Takes Teamwork

by Credit Union Front Line Studies show that organizations with high employee engagement are more productive and efficient. And these companies boast higher retention numbers, which avoids the costs of training new hires when employees [...]

What Does Downtime Really Cost My Credit Union?

What Does Downtime Really Cost My Credit Union?

by Robin Remines Measuring the impact of a service disruption can be pretty subjective but it doesn’t need to be.  As a BCP planner, we often talk about the severity of a crisis based [...]

What’s Your Mortgage WHY?

What’s Your Mortgage WHY?

I recently finished a good book called Start with Why by Simon Sinek. He creates a golden circle that explains how great leaders focus their organizations.  It’s a good and quick read and I [...]

Is Your Credit Union or Bank Under the Dome?

Is Your Credit Union or Bank Under the Dome?

One of our family’s guilty pleasures this summer has been watching the miniseries Under the Dome. We certainly aren’t Stephen King fans (never read one of his books) and usually don’t watch [...]

Leveraging Culture

Leveraging Culture

by. Mickie Lara It comes up in almost every conversation we have with a new credit union: “We’re concerned about our culture.” “We think our culture is pretty good, but we’re not sure.” “[...]

NCUA Rule on Loan Participations

NCUA has issued a final rule, which took effect 7/25/2013, that revises the existing loan participation rule and makes some corresponding and clarifying changes to the eligible obligation rule and the rule regarding [...]

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best

The saying “Mother Knows Best” as some of us hate to admit it, really is the truth.  So true that credit unions and companies alike should also listen.  Depending on the study you are looking [...]

Time to Treat Investment Programs as Core Products

By Hendrix Niemann Over the years, I’ve wondered why credit unions don’t make a big deal about their investment and insurance programs, since the benefits of doing so are obvious. Let me give [...]

Change: Stop the Presses

by. Anthony Demangone As Brett King quickly signed books, one attendee leaned in for a bit of privacy. "Brett, I'm retiring in a year or two," he said.  "I thank God, I don't have to [...]

How Do I Prepare for an NCUA IT Examination?

by. Robin Remines So NCUA will be onsite soon and you’re wondering if you’ve crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s? Even the most competent leader may get a [...]

Bringing the Branch to You

Bringing the Branch to You

by. Travis McCafferty Ever the forward-thinking innovator, PNC has recently opened a “pop-up” branch in downtown Atlanta. It’s brightly colored in blue and orange to match the banks brand, and presents itself in a [...]