News Archives

Gen Y Responds: Credit Union Member Feedback

by. Nico We’ve previously reported on the efforts credit unions across the country are making to connect with Gen Y. Programs like in-school branches and classroom presentations for students, young adult-oriented products, and community [...]

Debit Card Litigation Goes From Bad to Worse

Debit Card Litigation Goes From Bad to Worse

by. Henry Meier A couple of weeks ago, when a Judge ruled that the Federal Reserve Board misinterpreted the Durbin Amendment to the detriment of merchants, I thought things were pretty bad.  After yesterday, things [...]

Cross-Industry Innovation

by. Anne Legg Drones. 3-D printing. You’ve probably seen or heard about these major innovations in news stories over the past year. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles controlled by specialized pilots on the ground; [...]

The 3 Best Ways to Save for College

As soon as our son Gus was born back in November, I started looking into college savings plans. College is expensive today, and reports show that the cost is only going to increase over the [...]

Why Results Matter

Why Results Matter

Every year at this time we tune up for the NFL season with pre-season games.  Do they keep score?  Yes.  But in this case, it really isn’t the score that matters, just the evaluation [...]

How To Keep Your Strategic Plan Strategic & Not Tactical

How To Keep Your Strategic Plan Strategic & Not Tactical

This time of year often means football season, hurricane season and strategic planning season. If you haven’t already started the strategic planning process more than likely you soon will be. As you consider preparing [...]

Loss of Tax Exemption Could Benefit Credit Unions

Loss of Tax Exemption Could Benefit Credit Unions

  by. Keith Leggett Below is a video of Ken Kies discussing how two businesses that were previously tax exempt have prospered after their tax exemption was repealed. Ken Kies is currently Managing Director of [...]

Why Google, Apple and Facebook Don’t Want to be Banks…

by. Brett King Recent research has shown that banks spend more on IT than any other industry sector (See Deutsche Bank Research – IT in banks: What does it cost?). In fact, on average banks expend [...]

Spread and Yield Considerations in Member Business Lending

by. Loren Houchen Member business lending (MBL) represents an attractive asset class for credit unions when executed with due diligence. MBL can be a profitable investment with good returns accompanied by product, rate, term and [...]

The Great Credit Race is On!

Here are the facts: 2011 marked the beginning of retirement for Baby Boomers Many Boomers borrowed from their 401(K) plans to get them through the recession Many Boomers were led to believe home prices [...]

I Want My EMV! (?)

by. Henry Meier The vast majority of the banking world including Europe has now shifted to using credit cards which encode data in computer chips as opposed to magnetic strips.  This technology is called EMV ([...]