News Archives

Let’s Get Extreme

by. Anthony Demangone When Dan Berger took the reins of NAFCU, he started uttering a phrase over and over. Extreme member service.  Credit unions and trade association are a lot alike on this point: without [...]

Disaster Plans Test Your Readiness

In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy brought flooding and destruction to credit unions and businesses along the East Coast. And in May tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, decimating a branch of Tinker Federal Credit Union. Every credit [...]

The Return of the ARM

The Return of the ARM sounds like a bad horror movie that you’d see on really late night TV, but it’s actually a growing movement in mortgage lending. According to a recent article [...]

Understanding Risk Can Help Loan Growth

Understanding Risk Can Help Loan Growth

Although credit unions across the country had begun to see increased loan growth through the end of 2012, that loan growth still fell behind competing banks and finance companies.  When viewing credit union loan growth [...]

Is Your Lending Strategy Incomplete?

Is Your Lending Strategy Incomplete?

Even though our economy is still in recovery, the progress it’s made during the past few years, along with the ability that we have as Americans to adapt to changing circumstances, has made it [...]

Pay Increases Are Back

by CUNA eScan The improving economy will require credit union leaders to review their compensation programs and retention strategies, according to the 2013-2014 CUNA Staff Salary Report.   "Credit unions that aren't rewarding their employees [...]

It’s ‘Major Facelift Time’ for Online Account Applications

Financial institutions need to radically streamline and simplify their online account opening forms. And it doesn’t really require any new technology, just a new way of thinking by. Jim Marous Despite changes in technology [...]

Your Employees Need the Selling Mindset

Your Employees Need the Selling Mindset

by Mark Arnold Sales. The mere mention of the word sends some people—including many of your staff—into convulsions. Some of our employees fear sales. Some of them view sales reluctantly. And some of [...]