News Archives

Taking a Deep Dive

Taking a Deep Dive

By Erin Templer AT&T has been garnering attention with its series of television commercials featuring adorable kids tagged with the slogan “faster is better.” This concept seems to resonate with today’s consumers: [...]

Opportunity for Those Who ‘Do It Right’

by. Trevor Gauthier and Dan Green During Ascent, our annual user conference in June of this year, two panels of mortgage experts with broad experience, expertise and varying business models sat down to discuss the [...]

Is Marketing An Experiment?

by. Sean McDonald Hello everyone!  Back from vacation means back to the blogging! Recently, a good friend and colleague of mine was let go by his credit union. No names will be shared to protect [...]

What is Your Credit Union or Bank’s IQ?

What is Your Credit Union or Bank’s IQ?

IQ. Everyone wants a high one (kind of like having a high score in Angry Birds or Dots). We also want those working for us to have high IQs. After all, if your employees aren’[...]


by. Matt Davis Credit unions are in a crisis. The mortgage meltdown was the start. The over-tightening of regulator oversight exacerbated the problem. Weakened consumer loan demand added fuel to the fire. And credit union [...]

Balance and Success

by Anthony Demangone Last Friday, I shared a wonderful story about Fred Stobaugh.  96 years old, he won a singer/songwriter competition after penning lyrics about his late wife. The story is touching. Many of [...]

Words We Don’t Like

Words We Don’t Like

Taxes, bills and payments are all words no one really likes. If you are a credit union, another word you would probably add to that list is assessment. As a result of the unprecedented corporate [...]

The Truth About Gen Y

by. Amanda Thomas McMeans In June, I co-facilitated a session for HR executives from across the country about engagement of Gen Y workers in the workplace.  While the overall goal of the session was to [...]

Are Your Friends Creditworthy?

How many friends do you have? Are they really friends? And does that same standard apply to your Facebook friends? Think hard, because your answers to those questions could spell the difference between you getting [...]

Would You Have Opened This FSI?

by. Steve Topper It would be interesting to poll a random sample of today’s young marketers working for banks and credit unions to see how many of them are familiar with FSIs. I suspect [...]

Cybersecurity: An Even Bigger Deal Than You Think

Cybersecurity: An Even Bigger Deal Than You Think

In a recent blog post for CU Insight, former CUNA CEO Dan Mica argued that in addition to credit unions’ tax exempt status and consolidation, cybersecurity ranked as a major threat to credit unions.  As [...]