News Archives

On Head Injuries and the CFPB

On Head Injuries and the CFPB

by. Henry Meier It’s Football Season people!  In addition to loving the game, the legal and compliance geek in me loves to see what the new points of emphasis will be for the referees [...]

What Does the Way You Pay Say?

If you’ve read the blog, you know I am a big advocate of Credit Unions hiring full-time, professional originators. They are needed to develop relationships with Realtors and drive volume to Credit Unions. It’[...]



...(Definition, system for achieving objective; a method of doing something that is worked out in advance)… Along with Pro Football, Halloween and Thanksgiving, it’s that time again! I think back over the years to [...]

Google, M&Ms, Habits, and Inefficiency

by Anthony Demangone There are things in life that we want to stop doing.  Perhaps it is cutting out dessert.  Or smoking.  Or any one of the countless other bad habits that tend to creep [...]

A Grays Sports Almanac for Credit Union Young Leaders

A Grays Sports Almanac for Credit Union Young Leaders

by. Devin Selte But this is the real world, not Back to the Future. Soon I’ll no longer be referring to myself as a young leader due to the increasing amount of candles on [...]

Where Should I Store My DR/BCP Plan?

by. Don Stewart We get a lot of discussion and feedback about the choices for creating, storing, distributing, and accessing your Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) Programs. The most important lesson we can [...]

Time To Start Implementing Those Pesky Mortgage Requirements

by. Henry Meier Summer unofficially ended on Tuesday morning so I figured I’d give you yesterday to go through your email before pointing out the obvious.  It’s time to start getting serious about [...]

The Yosemite Fire: A Disaster Preparedness Reminder

The Yosemite Fire: A Disaster Preparedness Reminder

The Yosemite (or Rim) wildfire continues to grow. At 235,800 acres – roughly 368 square miles – it’s about to become the third-largest fire in California’s history. Due to careful planning and communication, homes [...]

Checking Account Safety: How to Prevent Fraud

by. Laura Like many Americans, you probably rely on your checking account for many of your day-to-day purchases. All of your transactions, whether online or in person, can leave you vulnerable to fraud or theft [...]

A Marketing Plan Must be Executed

A Marketing Plan Must be Executed

What does it say about execution when a recent Fortune magazine article stated that less than 10% of well formulated plans are actually executed?  Less than 10%?  Really?  Is this true with marketing plans?  Unfortunately [...]