News Archives

For the unbanked, cash is king

by Henry Meier In the immortal words of the late, great Ray Charles: That old sayin’ them that’s got are them that gets Is somethin’ I can’t see If ya gotta have somethin’ [...]

Cultivate the CEO/chair partnership

Cultivate the CEO/chair partnership

by. Kelly Schmit The relationship between a credit union CEO and its board chairperson is too important to be left to chance. With proper care and nurturing, this vital partnership can be strengthened to help [...]

Embracing a well-rounded social media strategy

by. Paige Calahan Even though credit unions are catching on to the idea that social media is here to stay, they haven't been able to maintain a social media strategy. A 2012 study by Thefinancialbrand.[...]

Occam’s Razor and bank attacks

by. Anthony Demangone I'm not sure when I first learned of Occam's razor, but I've carried the principle with me ever since. Just what is it?  According to Wikipedia... Occam's razor (also written as Ockham's [...]

Helpful hints for lending in a goldilocks economy

by. Henry Meier Lehman Brothers collapsed a little more than five years ago.  Dodd-Frank was passed in 2010 and well over half of its regulations still have to be implemented.  In this post-meltdown world, the [...]

3 Tips On Compliance For Credit Unions In 2014

by Jane Pannier Compliance officers and others responsible for their credit union’s compliance program should be sure to place particular focus on three key areas in 2014. 1.       Enterprise Risk  – NCUA and the other [...]