News Archives

3 serious security flaws your bank doesn’t want you to know about

by. Jennifer Calonia Recent online security compromises, such as leaks regarding the NSA infiltrating private financial accounts and cyber-criminal attacks like Project Blitzkrieg, have made banking customers concerned about the effectiveness of security measures protecting [...]

Going from bad to worse – Collections are a curse!

What do you know about collections? I get a lot of questions like: How long can they stay on my credit report? What effect do they have on my credit score? What’s the best [...]

Build your people first…

“You don’t build a business.  You build people – and then the people build the business.” – Zig Ziglar The truth in that statement is so profound that I say to myself, “why don’t more [...]

High-functioning credit unions

High-functioning credit unions

High-functioning credit unions and the team time trial are not usually discussed in the same conversation. However, the team time trial provides an apt example of a high-functioning group particularly with regard to leadership. The [...]

Credit unions: We’re all in the retail business

by. Taylor W. Wells I recently finished up a great history book, Why We’re All Romans. The book offers amazing and thought-provoking examples on how much of what the Western world enjoys today (in [...]

Budgeting for mobile and online technology this year and beyond

by. Jeff Falk According to the 2013-2014 CUNA Technology Spending Report, credit unions above $50 million in asset size earmarked approximately $125,000 on average for mobile and online technology in 2013. Some 60 percent [...]

Punting passwords and PINs for voice biometrics

Punting passwords and PINs for voice biometrics

  Now that Apple has rolled out the red carpet of credibility for biometric security technology with its Touch ID on the iPhone 5s, I'm sure many financial IT and security folks now are taking [...]

The stupidest market research question ever asked

by. Ron Shevlin There’s a great scene in the 1970s’ movie The Marathon Man, in which Laurence Olivier, who plays an evil dentist (that’s redundant, isn’t it?) is torturing Dustin Hoffman. Hoffman’[...]

Customer engagement is a top priority with CMOs

CMOs today are faced with a wide range of business-critical responsibilities. But none more pressing than the need to figure out how to best engage with customers.  In a new study released by the Korn/[...]