News Archives

Making loans the small way

Credit unions make loans in lots of ways: autos, mortgages, home equity, secured and unsecured. Most of those traditional loan types are big-ticket items. So what if credit unions also made loans the small way? [...]

Ideation CPR – How to stop thinking and start doing

by. Michael Hudson Ideas are seductive. They move us beyond what we know, to consider what might be. They allow us to tap our inner genius as we explore possibilities without limits. Ideas can frustrate. [...]

E-signatures help credit unions wins the lending wars

Through the second quarter this year, credit unions again experienced continued growth in their membership and lending portfolios. While lending growth is projected to rise at a steady pace, the challenge for credit unions to [...]

What can you accomplish today?

by. Tom Picciano “It feels good to accomplish something every day.” Those are the words of a 93-year-man.  He started hawking papers on a street corner as a pre-teen. Competition was pretty fierce among the [...]

Coach Quig, the swivel and the future

by. Anthony Demangone As you read this, I'll be on my way to speak to a NAFCU member credit union's board of directors. I love speaking to boards, partly for selfish reasons.  In order to [...]