News Archives

Budget priorities for 2013

Fall is a love/hate relationship for credit union and banking marketers. Love football season—hate budget season. Love falling leaves—hate falling budgets. Love cool temperatures—hate hot budget conversations. Yes, it is indeed [...]

Who’s pay day loan is it anyway?

by. Henry Meier As readers of this blog and those credit unions unfortunate enough to get caught in the cross fire know, the state has taken aim against pay day lenders who provide loans to [...]

Want a promotion? Measure everything.

Want a promotion? Measure everything.

According to a study from Adobe and Advertising Week 2013, 83 percent of marketers say proving ROI is “extremely important” or “somewhat important.” That said, nearly 8 in 10 marketers expect that proving ROI will [...]

How to succeed in succession planning with CUES Chuck Fagan

How to succeed in succession planning with CUES Chuck Fagan

  With the exodus of credit union executives over the last year -- and continuing today, succession planning for this industry is vitally important as a new generation of leaders emerges to pilot our industry [...]

Meet the linksters

by. Meagan Johnson Credit unions are well aware of the importance of attracting Generation X and Y consumers to develop a younger clientele that will fuel growth into the future. There is another prime target [...]

Some lenders happy to switch from refis to purchase

by. Brian Collins Refinancing has fallen off the cliff and the mortgage industry is bracing for a decline in originations. But some lenders are going against the grain and increasing their capacity. Nationstar Mortgage has [...]

Could deficit talks ensnare credit unions

by. Henry Meier The good news this morning is that there has been a notable shift in tone in the debt ceiling, government shutdown debate with Republicans talking more about the need to reign in [...]

The best response to mobile for your business

by. Prue Duggan It’s impossible to ignore the impact mobile has has had to enterprises online. The question is no longer whether or not to join the digitally mobile pack but how to do [...]

10 reasons why experiences trump having more stuff

Achieving financial independence and being smart with your money is all about making sacrifices.  Most of us aren’t millionaires so we know that we have to prioritize certain needs and wants.  What one person [...]

The big gamechanger for differentiation

Last week at big.bright.minds, hosted by Filene at Princeton University, we learned about the facets of behavioral economics and how to be good choice architects for our members and customers.  One of the [...]

Being hip is good for business

Being hip is good for business

Rarely has it been written that a financial institution has to be hip to succeed. Even less common is the idea that all a business needs to get hip is a little perspective. Yet, in [...]