News Archives

7 things you need to know about ECM in the cloud

So, you’ve heard about the cloud and know all about enterprise content management (ECM). But for a while it appeared to be a case of never the twain shall meet – ECM systems seemed stuck [...]

Younger consumers still need bank branches

by. Rob Rubin Adults under 30 are less likely avoid bank branches than older consumers, and aren’t as interested in opening accounts online. Statistics and technology innovation all point to the demise of bank [...]

How appraisals are affected by new higher-price mortgage rules

by Jane Pannier One of the many changes heading our way in January 2014 (on the 18th, to be precise) is an amendment to Reg. Z incorporating new provisions concerning appraisals for higher-priced mortgages. Here’[...]

The rise of PayPal as a major payments player

The rise of PayPal as a major payments player

by JIM MAROUS No place in financial services is transformation and innovation more apparent than in the world of payments, where the convergence of mobile and new data-driven business models have the potential to completely [...]

Credit unions and their average age of member obsession

by Ron Shevlin For a few years now, credit unions have been obsessed (not too strong a word) with lowering the average age of their member base. The rationale goes something like this: Younger consumers [...]

Great idea! A credit union field trip

by Bo McDonald You remember field trips when you were in school? It was always fun to get out of the classroom. Chances are you can think of where you went and some highlights of [...]

How will ITaaS impact my credit union technology strategies?

by Robin Remines Have you noticed that everywhere you turn there is yet another “aaS” term (I had to quote that because my spell check keeps making it an inappropriate term for this blog post!) [...]

When payments disappear, and value emerges

When payments disappear, and value emerges

by Brett King Ok, so if you think we’re done with the whole “when is a mobile payment a payment” argument, think again. The reality is that the biggest evolution in payments is not [...]

Payroll cards regulated to protect cardholders

by. Konrad Christensen Payroll cards offer a healthy alternative for unbanked and underbanked consumers who would otherwise use a cash-based system to manage their finances. Payroll cards are highly regulated by a myriad of federal [...]

Credit union video earns Emmy nomination

TALLAHASSEE, FL (October 11, 2013) -- The Suncoast Chapter of National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced the annual Emmy nominations on October 9, 2013. Included on the prestigious list of nominees in the “[...]