News Archives

Where’s the consumer come in on this one?

by. Tom Picciano This conversation could have taken place between any mid-level manager and dissatisfied customer. What was said was real.  Unfortunately, it involves a failing business that should be trying to make customers happy, [...]

What attributes should your FI promote?

by. Joe Swatek A survey compiled the 100 most-loved worldwide companies. At best, that’s mildly interesting to financial services marketers, but the criteria for selections are something you should examine. APCO, a global communications [...]

Millennial marketing

Millennial marketing

Who are you really targeting? Marketing to the younger generation has been a “hot button” in credit unions for quite some time.  It most often finds itself on a top list for a credit union’[...]

Will your bank or credit union match this high rate?

by. Steve Topper The Federal Reserve’s “war on savers” continues unabated with no end in sight.  It’s painful to see the laughingly small amount of interest earned on checking and savings balances each [...]

Key performance indicators: How do you measure up?

by. John Cassidy Does your credit union incorporate the cooperative principles when measuring key performance indicators (KPIs)? In a recent Filene report titled: An Examination of Key Performance Indicators Reported by Credit Unions in North [...]

The rituals of success

by. Anthony Demangone I am my father's son.  Mind you, this isn't a complaint. We Demangone's are men of ritual.  We'll eat the same breakfast over and over again.  I have a particular way of [...]

Mobile technology forcing firms to adapt their business models

he dramatic rise in smartphone and tablet use is changing customer expectations, putting longstanding companies out of business while providing fertile growth opportunities for others. To succeed in a competitive financial services marketplace, CUNA Mutual [...]