News Archives

Don’t fail to use the power of LinkedIn!

by. Trevor Rasmussen Deluxe Financial Services is the NAFCU Services Preferred Partner for Check Printing, Online Check Ordering, Check Fraud Prevention, and Member Loyalty Solutions. In the movie Minority Report, Tom Cruise’s character, Chief [...]

Components of the ALLL – Breaking down the assumptions

by. Dan Price Calculating your allowance for loan losses involves projecting future results using historical information as a baseline. Why does this seem counter intuitive to everything we’ve learned? Anyone presenting historical information should [...]

Unite for good!

by. Greg Michlig If you are reading this blog, I’m sure you know that yesterday, October 17, 2013, was International Credit Union Day. It is a day set aside to commemorate the credit union [...]

Credit unions: Unite for the fight

by. Roy Page One hundred and five years ago, thousands of American textile workers struggled to make ends meet and protect their hard-earned dollars from loan sharks, banks, and other financial predators. Compassionate to their [...]

Lack of specialized training related to MBLs

by. Keith Leggett In 2003, the Government Accountability Office forewarned that NCUA faced challenges ensuring that examiners have sufficient training to be adequately prepared for monitoring credit unions as they expanded more heavily into nontraditional [...]

The key to great analysis: Good data

The key to great analysis: Good data

Over the last several years, many credit unions have made tremendous progress in the way they use analytics to drive lending decisions and pricing.  However, one of the roadblocks we often see with credit unions [...]

Win $500 for your thoughts

Win $500 for your thoughts

Give me your tired, your broken your burdensome reg, yearning for relief!!! (And I’ll give you five hundred bucks) Well, at least one of you. What spurred this? I just had what seemed like [...]

Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for

Focus on behavior, not products. My job, as a credit union marketing consultant is to make you think.  And as we head into the 2014 planning season, here’s something to consider. If I walk [...]

Training cuts hurt your bottom line

With three quarters of 2013 behind us, budgets are getting smaller and financial institutions are starting to look at which expenses they can shift to next year. Will external training be one of the first [...]

Food for thought: What will ICU Day look like in 2020?

by. James Robert Lay Happy International Credit Union Day. Today is a big day for credit unions. Today is a big day for us.  We too believe credit unions can unite for good. Even more, [...]

Twenty years late: Thank you…

by. Anthony Demangone Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to [...]

4 tips for safe debit card reissue

In my last post, I shared tips on when to reissue a compromised or stolen debit card. There are a few things to keep in mind, however, when doing so. What follows are a few [...]

Creative social media solutions for credit unions

Most banks and financial institutions have a Twitter feed and a Facebook page, but not every bank is employing those social media options in the most effective way. Customers won’t pay attention to a [...]