News Archives

Star employees are fantastic…until they aren’t

by. Anthony Demangone My dad is turning 80 years old this year.  Born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, my father has been a life-long Steelers fan.  His last Steelers home game? Sixty years ago.  We remedied that [...]

Are you promoting the wrong checking account?

Are you promoting the wrong checking account?

By Steve Topper It’s marketing decision time. Which one of your financial institution’s checking accounts do you choose to market via newspaper ads, billboards, or radio spots? Marketing 101 dictates that you feature [...]

Bridge the gap between Marketing and IT

Consumers today are online and tech savvy. As a result, customers expect that the companies they patronize provide a seamless service experience across all platforms: mobile, social, online and in print. Companies making inroads on [...]

Move fast or don’t move at all

Move fast or don’t move at all

By Mark Arnold When it comes to change, most credit unions and banks move slow. Like glacial slow. We conduct focus groups, we examine reams and reams of MCIF and demographic reports and we talk [...]

Why do consumers choose and use reloadable debit cards?

Reloadable debit cards are an alternative for those consumers who don’t write checks. by. Rob Rubin Reloadable debit card accounts look very similar to standard checking accounts: They include features like online bill pay, [...]

401(k) plans as ‘personal’ defined benefit plans

by. Tom Eckert In 2011, the U.S. Government Accountability Office published a report that indicated 401(k) plans mostly benefit high wage earners and the wealthy. The report focused primarily on skewed tax benefits, [...]

Helping millennials to become homeowners

by. Tina Powers The twin challenges of rising student debt and a shaky job market make the latest generation of American adults leery about taking on the additional debt of a home mortgage. We’ve [...]

Leaders are servants first

by. Matt Monge I had the honor of being part of the speaking lineup at this past CU Water Cooler Symposium, and used the opportunity to talk a bit about servant-leadership. I’ve gotten a [...]

Define your value proposition

by. Megan Miranda A value proposition is basically a brief statement of the unique aspect of exactly what (product/service) your organization delivers to consumers. It’s a clear, concise way of explaining why consumers [...]

Avoid getting carried away

by. Henry Meier Flood insurance is in the news.  The cost of obtaining it is rising; new federal regulations are under consideration; and so-called “super storms” like Sandy — which is nearing its first anniversary — have [...]

Gen Y marketers will be disappointed again

by. Joe Swatek During a creative call with a young credit union marketer, she forcefully said, “We want to sign up young members. We don’t want any old people to join.” She didn’t [...]