News Archives

The value of electronic brainstorming

by. Lisa Hochgraf Great things have been produced via online collaboration. Take Linux as an example. This free, open-source (that is, owned by no one entity) operating system was developed by a large number of [...]

Just one presentation taught me five lessons

Just one presentation taught me five lessons

by Jimmy Marks Recently, DigitalMailer sponsored the CU Water Cooler Symposium 2013. We went to Nashville to meet lots of cool people and see so many great presentations (I made one of my own, but [...]

I wish I knew that five years ago…

by Anthony Demangone Oh, the power of a question. Exhibit one? This article from Buffer.  It isn't an article, really. Rather, it is a series of answers from successful entrenpreneurs to the same question. What [...]

Key components of an actionable profitability framework

By Peri Pierone While member service remains paramount, profitability is the foundation of any credit union’s sustainability and long-term strategy, and in today’s economic climate, determining key profitability drivers is more important than [...]

Succession planning: Beyond the why

By Sean McDonald Succession planning – it’s probably something that you’ve heard tossed around in conversations and in management meetings.  The concept of succession planning is being talked about a lot lately.  There’s [...]

Disclosure trends increase compliance risks

Disclosure trends increase compliance risks

One of the unmistakable trends is the prescriptive nature of new disclosure requirements. As regulators – especially the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) – establish new (or amended) disclosure requirements, they are not leaving credit unions flexibility. [...]