News Archives

Focusing on small businesses services

by. Ric Carey and David Kerstein Small businesses represent banks’ best opportunity for higher spreads, improved fee income and superior relationship profitability, yet we find that few banks are actually succeeding in doing what it [...]

Top 5 problems with annual ACH audits

Top 5 problems with annual ACH audits

For many people, the cooling temperatures and changing leaves signal such pleasantries as football season and big turkey dinners. To the credit union's operations officer, those changes are just as likely to signal the impending [...]

The little guys have an advantage

By Bo McDonald “But we’re too small.” A phrase I hear muttered all too often among those who compete against the “too big to fail” banks. We all like to root for the little [...]

What should I have in my credit union disaster supply kit?

by Michele Dowis How current are your supplies?  Do you have a bin of supplies that are “ready for a disaster”?  Have you checked the contents of your credit union disaster supply kit lately?  Any [...]

The 12%: The ballad of the 113th Congress

by. Katie Marisic With all the new regulations about to go in effect in the coming months we thought we’d give you a little break from the normal updates and let you sit back, [...]

Salary freeze continues to thaw

by. Steve Rodgers When it looked like we were headed into a deep, dark recession about five years ago, a lot of credit unions reacted by freezing salaries. In 2008, about 23% of credit unions [...]

Where to start your strategic planning sessions

In recent strategic planning sessions for two different clients, I was visiting with the respective CEOs prior to the session. In each case, one of the outcomes both of them desired was a definition of [...]

Trick-or-treating for your money

by. Holly Petraeus When it comes to tricking you out of your money, for scammers it’s Halloween all year long. In 2011, an estimated 25.6 million adults (10.8 percent of the U.[...]