News Archives

Helping millennials to become homeowners

by. Tina Powers The twin challenges of rising student debt and a shaky job market make the latest generation of American adults leery about taking on the additional debt of a home mortgage. We’ve [...]

Scrutinizing the prepaid value chain

by. Konrad Christensen Over the past eight years, The Mercator Advisory Group has kept a close watch on the evolution and progression of the prepaid value chain. In a recent report, Mercator analysts dig into [...]

Vote: No-meetings wednesday or no-talk thursday

Vote: No-meetings wednesday or no-talk thursday

By Lisa Hochgraf A couple of years back, CUES staffers were so inundated by meetings that the leadership team proposed "no-meeting Wednesdays." The idea was embraced by the ranks and suddenly there was one day [...]

Here it comes: New mortgage servicing rules

Here it comes: New mortgage servicing rules

by Dennis Agle Unless you’ve been living lately on one of the remoter planets in our solar system, you’ve likely been inundated with a flood of information about the new mortgage servicing rules [...]

Bank Product Proliferation: Too much of a good thing

By Jim Marous When someone walks into your bank or credit union branch or visits online to open a new account, how many options are available to choose from? More importantly, how many different legacy [...]

Omnicommerce: The multichannel customer experience

Guest post written by Lorena Harris, VP of Corporate Marketing, Vantiv.  In the first of this three-part series, Lorena discusses how providing a consistent customer experience across channels is a critical component of omnicommerce. Vantiv [...]

Longevity can bring success to marketing campaigns

by Joe Swatek Two farmers are standing in a cranberry bog… Sounds like the start of a joke, but it’s an example of how a consistent message wins over consumers and boosts brand recognition. [...]

Durbin and EMV: “Don’t panic”

by. Aleia VanDyke This past week, I had the opportunity to speak at and attend the ATM, Prepaid, and Debit Forum in Las Vegas. The event featured a number of excellent keynote speakers, including representatives [...]

Is a little inflation good for the economy?

by. Henry Meier Sunday’s New York Times included the type of headline which borders on heretical to anyone who has been keeping an eye on monetary policy since the days of Paul Volcker:  ”In [...]

Focusing on small businesses services

by. Ric Carey and David Kerstein Small businesses represent banks’ best opportunity for higher spreads, improved fee income and superior relationship profitability, yet we find that few banks are actually succeeding in doing what it [...]