News Archives

Leverage your vendors via the cloud

Leverage your vendors via the cloud

Most credit unions use third-party providers in the communication supply chain to deliver member communications on their behalf. Outsourcing these activities can save money, but many financial institutions struggle with vendor management and inefficiencies result [...]

Attract top young talent with opportunities to learn

Attract top young talent with opportunities to learn

By Mary Auestad Arnold Sustainable competitive advantage, once the Holy Grail, is no longer possible. Long-term success requires constant change, or what Rita Gunther McGrath (in photo, below right) calls "transient advantage." She gave us [...]

Small credit union lending: Dealing with overspenders

by. Linda Webb-Manon In South Plains, Texas, cotton is king. And many residents in the rural community of Lamesa work the land for their livelihood. Exceptional drought, however, has put many local farmers in a [...]

What the NFL can teach us about financial education

by. Henry Meier Recently, a veritable who’s who of current and former NFL players including former Baltimore linebacker Ray Lewis and former wide receiver and legendary big-mouth Terrell Owens filed a suit seeking to [...]

What’s your financial institution’s fraud prevention philosophy

Like any great debate, you’ll find advocates on both sides of the mobile banking fraud debate. Some believe smartphones and tablets, in combination with emerging authentication strategies, are the magic bullet to a meaningful [...]

14 Christmas promotion ideas for credit unions

Looking for festive holiday promotions? Here’s 14 of the best ideas The Financial Brand has seen over the years. 1. Holiday Loans Many financial institutions promote personal loans during the Christmas season, but few [...]

How to handle campaign themes

by. Joe Swatek Some marketers and executives get excited about using themes for promotional campaigns. Here’s some advice if you find yourself with that type of project. There are a few important ideas to [...]

Conference craziness

Conference craziness

Ah, conferences. Chances are that you’re reading this while preparing to leave for or return from one. I’ve been fortunate to attend and speak at dozens of conferences, large and small, over the [...]

Lifetime member value: Considerations for lifecycle marketing

Guest post written by Sundeep Kapur, Digital Strategist, Allied Solutions. Sundeep will lead an integrated marketing workshop at NAFCU’s Strategic Growth Conference in Venice Beach, California in March 2014. Register here. Allied Solutions is [...]

Social media potty talk

By bo McDonald What brand of toilet paper do you buy? Do you care? Probably not so much. So if you’re a toilet paper company, how do you get noticed? Financial institutions and toilet [...]

Essential Checklist For Credit Union Succession Planning

By Tim Daugherty The organizational structure of a credit union can change in the blink of an eye due to the loss of a key employee such as the CEO, executive or employee responsible for [...]