News Archives

Social Media: Not just a passing fad

Social Media: Not just a passing fad

By Nikki Griggs, Marketing Manager, NAFCU Services. What do Tickle Me Elmo, Ed Hardy, and the Atkins Diet have in common? They are all fads! They have come in gone in their 15 minutes of [...]

Member business lending can help dampen economic swings

By Kent Moon Lenders need to be prepared for continual and often rapid shifts in the economy. One such change is increasing interest rates, an abrupt wake-up call that is occurring. The average rate on [...]

How to create a compliance culture at your credit union

By Emily Maxie Today, we're presenting a guest blog post from our friends over at Credit Union Resources. Steve Gibbs, CUCE, BSACS, AVP Shared Compliance, shares some great tips on how to create a culture [...]

Tablet banking popular among hot-target demographics

Tablet banking popular among hot-target demographics

Responsive web design is among the hot topics about which many communications professionals, including credit union marketers, are chatting about today. The goal of this technology-centric strategy is to engineer digital properties (websites, blogs, online-banking [...]

Are you an agent of change?

Are you an agent of change?

By Mark Arnold Most businesses and industries, at some point, run the risk of slowing down and stagnating. Bereft of new ideas and fresh blood, they face a slow downward spiral that descends from excellence [...]

Are You Ready For Your Self-Assessment?

By Henry Meier One of the little chestnuts tucked away in the Congressional wish list that is Dodd-Frank is a requirement that financial institutions promulgate guidelines for assessing how good a job financial institutions do [...]

Small credit union lending: Dealing with overspenders

by. Linda Webb-Manon In South Plains, Texas, cotton is king. And many residents in the rural community of Lamesa work the land for their livelihood. Exceptional drought, however, has put many local farmers in a [...]

4 tips to help turn renters into home owners

by. Tina Powers Owning a home is still the American dream for most people. According to JP Morgan Chase survey published this spring,  87% of Americans found they dream about owning a home, 66% said [...]

Extreme service…with a stuffed giraffe

by. Anthony Demangone Recently, NAFCU held a strategic planning session with our management team.  We threw around the idea of "extreme member service."  But then someone raised a good point... Just what does that term [...]

Job gains surge

Investors, highly focused on the economic data, had a lot to consider this week. The Economic Calendar was packed, and nearly all the major reports exceeded expectations. Stronger economic growth is negative for mortgage rates, [...]

Are we as co-operative as we think we are?

by. Brendan Reimer Italy. Wow. The country is beautiful, the people are passionate, and the co-op sector is incredible. This summer, I had the great privilege to be invited by Vancity to join their two-week [...]