News Archives

Would you buy this for your kid?

by. Henry Meier Yesterday, a colleague forwarded to me a news report from a Tuscon, AZ television station that was so disturbing at first I thought it was a joke.  Unfortunately, it’s no joke [...]

Equity lending – Is the phoenix rising?

by. Pat Bator When the housing bubble burst in 2006, home values expectedly began a steady decline and ultimately hit rock bottom in 2012.  Accordingly, financial institutions were hesitant to market their home equity credit [...]

Where are you compromising?

Where are you compromising?

By Mark Arnold Life, both personal and business, is often a series of compromises. Compromise is often a necessary step towards attaining a desired greater goal. It may not be the easiest thing to do, [...]

Are you sticking with the old or doubling down on the new?

by. Ron Daly We had a great time last week in San Diego at the CUES CETNET conference. The weather was close enough to perfect for us Virginians (the California folks seemed to think that [...]

The evolution of the board chair

by. Karen Hodgkiss Les Wallace, Ph.D., president of Signature Resources, Inc., is a noted consultant in the areas of leadership, governance, management and personal success. In a recent interview, Wallace explains the nuances between [...]

Omnicommerce: The innovation imperative

by. Lorena Harris With constantly rising customer expectations, a key element in the formula for omnicommerce success will be an ongoing focus on innovations that make shopping easier and faster for consumers. We are already [...]

Use every tool in your toolbox…

by. Anthony Demangone People. At the end of the day, you need the right people to succeed. But how do you find them?  And then, how do you keep them? But really, you have to [...]

Stop selling and start engaging

Stop selling and start engaging

When you say the word “sell” in a financial institution staff meeting, it’s usually about as well received as the person who shows up to a football game wearing the “other” team’s jersey. [...]

Increase 4th quarter credit card use

Increase 4th quarter credit card use

by. Anne Legg ‘Tis the season of increased credit card usage! Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. If you can keep your credit card top-of-wallet during the holiday shopping season, your [...]

Learning the book club way

Learning the book club way

By Christopher Stephenson If you are a member of a book club, you know what it is like to exchange reactions and opinions on the subject matter during discussion after everyone has read the same [...]