News Archives

MurderBoarding: How to select ‘the one’ superior strategy

MurderBoarding: How to select ‘the one’ superior strategy

by. Lisa Hochgraf My husband recently phoned me and wanted to "talk headlines." As a university professor, he has to publish papers to keep his position, and that night he needed to develop an abstract [...]

Five excuses for not growing

Five excuses for not growing

We make a lot of excuses at credit unions and banks, especially when it comes to a lack of growth. But excuses are crutches. It’s time we stop using crutches and start walking into [...]

The dreaded question, Part II

The dreaded question, Part II

A month has gone by since I posed the “dreaded question”: Where do homebuyers come from?  Quick review. They come from three places: non-owner/non-renters (NONRs), renters and current homeowners.  First-time homebuyers emerge from the [...]

The trickiest shift

By: Dan Green Mortgage industry ups and downs are nothing new, it being one of the more cyclical financial service segments. This makes it fascinating and interesting: mortgage companies require careful, thoughtful management in order [...]

Movember in the financial sphere

by Fatemeh Fakhraie Movember started in Australia in 2003, and has since grown into an international movement for men’s health. The premise is simple: men grow out their mustaches every November (now known as “[...]

Loss mitigation procedures

Loss mitigation procedures

by Dennis Agle The sixth in a series of posts on the new mortgage servicing rules. CFPB has issued the Final Rule for Mortgage Servicing, which takes effect January 10, 2014. Among the numerous changes [...]

Will the ability to control cards by mobile device click?

by. Lois Hansen The video should be nothing special. It’s an espresso machine doing what espresso machines do. But to see the Top Brewer by Scanomat is to desire the Top Brewer by Scanomat. [...]

The CFPB’s most troubling proposal?

by. Henry Meier Much of what the CFPB has done so far is mandated by Congress.  We will start to see just how far reaching its powers are when it comes to promulgating changes to [...]

Five things to understand about NCUA’s ERM guidance

by. Anthony Demangone Everything is risk management. Everything.  Do you invest in new software? Expand your branch network?  Expand training? Every decision involves some variation of a cost-benefit analysis. That's why I believe NCUA's recently-issued [...]

It’s time to kill the net promoter score

by. Ron Shevlin Management ideas come and go. Unless we’re talking about the net promoter score, which has come, but hasn’t left. It’s the cockroach of management metrics. For the life of [...]

Credit union auditor objectivity: In-house versus outsourcing

by. Cynthia Rogstad When it comes to having internal audits performed at your credit union, you have options. Some credit unions have internal auditors on staff, while other credit unions elect to outsource their internal [...]

Mobile payments gaining consumer traction

The mobile payments industry has continued to gain traction in the past 12 months, according to the recently released 2014 Mobile Payments State of the Industry Report. Smartphone use, the report says, is nearly ubiquitous [...]