News Archives

Has your information “grown up” yet?

Has your information “grown up” yet?

By David Jones Managing information is a bit like bringing up a child. “What?” I hear you ask. Well, let me explain… I had the pleasure of attending the recent AIIM ELC session on mobility [...]

Life lessons; Business best practices

by. Kelly Schmit As a hard worker, daughter, wife, and mother of two, I would like to think I have experienced a fair amount in my almost 32 years of life. At CUES’ Directors Conference [...]

Meet the new passwords, same as the old passwords

Meet the new passwords, same as the old passwords

by. Jimmy Marks Convincing people that a bad idea really is a bad idea is tough. Just ask anyone who went into a barber shop back in the 80′s and said “Give me the ‘[...]

14 for 14

IT'S NEARLY THE END OF 2013 — by most accounts, a banner year for nearly everyone in mortgage banking who is not in default servicing. Investors have been buying homes, distressed and otherwise, and some institutional [...]

Believe it or not, one day Facebook won’t matter

Believe it or not, one day Facebook won’t matter

Yes, I said it. This isn’t a prediction of imminent doom, but if your bank or credit union hangs its social media strategy on Facebook, it’s time to diversify your holdings. Especially if [...]

Debunking financial literacy myths

Debunking financial literacy myths

by. Ron Shevlin The CFPB says that FIs spend US$17 billion on marketing and that just US$671 million, or about US$2 per person, is spent on financial education. And like uncritical, brain-dead [...]

2014 Trends and predictions

2014 Trends and predictions

As we move into 2014, there is one thing any one of us can predict for certain: Things will not slow down. We live in the age of speed.  The way we do business today [...]

The new CUSO rule

The new CUSO rule

The rule making process is sometimes involves give and take between the regulator and the regulated.  The new CUSO Rule is a study in such give and take. A proposed CUSO amendment was introduced by [...]

5 things your financial website needs to change in 2014

5 things your financial website needs to change in 2014

by. Fatemeh Fakhraie There are some disastrous websites out there in the financial industry. Your website may be one of them, and if so, there’s a good chance you’re annoying customers and members [...]

Take caution when screening job applicants online

by. Christopher A. Pajack Over the past few years, the pre-employment screening process for job applicants has taken some unconventional turns. Gone are the days of relying solely on the traditional interview process followed by [...]

What Yoko Ono and Wall Street have in common

by. Henry Meier One of the twenty-five Christmas songs continually played by radio stations this time of year is John Lennon’s So This Is Christmas. I really do like the song, at least until [...]