News Archives

The strategic plan is only the beginning

This is the time of year when many credit unions are putting a bow on strategic and financial plans while breathing a big sigh of relief. Do we have a realistic strategic plan that leads [...]

Can credit unions adapt to the multigenerational workplace?

Can credit unions adapt to the multigenerational workplace?

by. Emily Maxie Today we have a special guest blog for you from our friends at Credit Union Resources. Norma Garza, their AVP for Remote Transaction Resources, gives an interesting take on the multigenerational workplace [...]

Section 342: It’s not about quotas

Section 342: It’s not about quotas

On October 1, 2013, the National Credit Union Administration (“NCUA”) released the Proposed Interagency Policy Statement Establishing Joint Standards for Assessing the Diversity Policies and Practices of Entities Regulated by the Agencies and Request for [...]

Achieving predicable success

Achieving predicable success

By Karen Hodgkiss Les McKeown is president and CEO of Predictable Success. He is the author of Predictable Success and The Synergist. In a recent interview, McKeown described the components that contribute to predictable success.  [...]

Storytelling can enhance credit union digital marketing

by. Jonathan Lay It has been said many times before: Marketing is storytelling. But I am not here to beat a dead horse but instead focus on how marketing, storytelling, can be shared through the [...]

Credit union expert shares 2014 strategic planning insights

Credit union expert shares 2014 strategic planning insights

by. Emily Maxie Today we have a special treat. We're bringing you a guest blog post from our friends over at Credit Union Resources. Dean Borland, SCMS, CUDE, VP Product Assurance, presents some great insights [...]

‘Indifference is Death’ when it comes to innovation

‘Indifference is Death’ when it comes to innovation

by. Jeff Falk According to late American management consultant, educator, author and businessman Peter Drucker, “Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” Even [...]

Aim for a B

Aim for a B

by. William Azaroff I was thinking today that one of the most important lessons I learned in school was the value of aiming for a B. I wasn't a great student, and I found school [...]

The ever evolving world of mobile banking

by. Danny Payne I tend to shy away from dedicating a blog post to mobility.  But I can’t shy away from the fact that mobile is trending.  In a post I did last year, [...]

4 ways to improve paper ATM receipts

4 ways to improve paper ATM receipts

In today’s increasingly digital world, financial institutions (FIs) of all sizes are looking at digitizing more and more financial documents, including paper ATM receipts. Wells Fargo recently reported a total of 100 billion paperless [...]