News Archives

DNA will open EMV toolbox for more providers

DNA will open EMV toolbox for more providers

The critical mission to develop a common solution for EMV in the U.S. received a significant boost as the Debit Network Alliance (DNA) was founded. In a much-needed move, ten of the country’s [...]

A 2013 retrospective

A 2013 retrospective

by Fatemeh Fakhraie 2013 was an exciting year for brass Media. We launched our redesigned site in February, and turned 10 years old in March. As you know, our new site is mobile-friendly and easier [...]

The expert and the equal

The expert and the equal

As leaders in sales and service, your financial understanding and recommendations are greatly appreciated by your members.  Your members expect you to lead them into appropriate products and services for their unique circumstances.  A straightforward [...]

What are your social media demands?

What are your social media demands?

Content should be at the top of your list of what you demand out of your social media activity. According to a recent survey published on of major consumer brands, "82% of global [...]

Survey says: Members want to be understood

Originally posted on SAS Voices. Guest post written by Pamela Prentice, Chief Resource Officer, SAS Institute, Inc. SAS Institute, Inc. is the NAFCU Services Preferred Partner for Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics Software & Risk Assessment. [...]

How consumers hear the word ‘credit’

by Jeff Falk Credit card issuing financial institutions (FIs) may soon find themselves headed back to the drawing board to develop new ways to market credit cards to an ever-skeptical consumer base. According to a [...]

Consumers hate fees but would rather gripe than switch banks

Consumers hate fees but would rather gripe than switch banks

By Tom What causes consumers to change banks or credit unions? Customer dissatisfaction comes in many shapes and sizes, but a recent survey of 2,000 consumers by reported by The Financial Brand [...]

The highly empowered portfolio manager

The highly empowered portfolio manager

An empowered portfolio manager sets the tone as a buck-stops-here manager with ˈownershipˈ responsibility not only by managing the bottom line but by working with other senior managers to set expectations and track results across [...]

Invest in yourself in 2014

By Walt Grassl Karl and Bob were good friends when they attended college. After they graduated, life happened and they slowly lost contact. When they reconnected at their 20-year reunion, they were working for similarly [...]

Getting to know Bitcoin

Getting to know Bitcoin

by Shari R. Pogach, Regulatory Paralegal Bitcoin has received a great deal of media attention lately, both positive and negative.  Now you may be asking yourself, so what?  Why should I be concerned or need [...]