News Archives

And the winner is!

And the winner is!

In November I proposed a challenge that I hoped would help to identify top regulatory issues or burdens faced by credit unions. To the winner of the challenge I promised to pay $500.00. Today [...]

Resolutions: 4 reasons why I love them…

Resolutions: 4 reasons why I love them…

by. Anthony Demangone Happy New Year, everyone.  May your 2014 be filled with love, good health and happiness. Now, what about those resolutions? There are some that don't agree with resolutions.  Not me.  I love [...]

Four marketing tips to guide you into 2014

Four marketing tips to guide you into 2014

It’s here! Happy 2014! If you are like most financial marketers, you are probably already off to the races. In fact, at most credit unions and banks the marketing department started their 2014 initiatives [...]

Are your members banking around?

Are your members banking around?

by. Scott P. Wallace The 2014 Deluxe Exchange Conference offers crucial advice on the most pressing topics in financial services. Use code NASC14 to register » The level of consumers who use multiple financial institutions is [...]

Four tactics for hiring the right part-time tellers

by. Lana J. Chandler Hiring the right part-time tellers is one of the more challenging components of managing a branch. The people you hire have a huge impact on client service, sales, productivity, and even [...]

2014 digital marketing trends for credit unions

2014 digital marketing trends for credit unions

Get a jump start on 2014 with the online, digital, mobile and social marketing trends identified by leaders is the financial industry. by. Christopher Rinaldi According to a recent informal survey, financial institutions will be [...]

The Volcker rule, then and now

Paul Volcker has long been regarded as a giant in the financial services industry, and with good reason. He was likely most influential during his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve during both the [...]

Succession map maintains momentum

Succession map maintains momentum

By Rick Uhlmann Bob Trunzo took the reins of CUNA Mutual Group yesterday, as planned. Emphasis on as planned. Departing CEO Jeff Post and our board of directors had mapped out plans for this transition [...]

Start the New Year by reinventing your financial institution

Start the New Year by reinventing your financial institution

by Mark Arnold The 2014 goals for your financial institution are probably already set. Hopefully, many of those goals involve changing your bank or credit union. Because if you are not changing, you are not [...]

Holiday ads for moms and why we love them

Holiday ads for moms and why we love them

By Shari Storm I’m often asked to speak on how to capture the most powerful market—MOMS. Moms are a fantastic market segment for credit unions to court, after all: Moms control between 83% [...]