News Archives

Five thoughts on innovation

Five thoughts on innovation

If you chose to read this article, my guess is that you are a tinkerer.  And it being a new year, I bet you’re itching to tweak things.  To make them better. Bully for [...]

The Millennial’s guide to personal finance

The need for financial literacy is finally catching on at the high school level across the country, but what about for those in the “Millenial” generation who missed out on this new proliferation of required [...]

3 ideas to focus on credit union digital marketing in 2014

3 ideas to focus on credit union digital marketing in 2014

by. James Robert Lay Will 2014 be the year for credit unions to shift their focus to digital? According to our initial analysis of the 2014 State of Digital Marketing Survey, both credit unions and [...]

If you build it, they may not come: Part one

If you build it, they may not come: Part one

This blog is part of a two part series to be continued this Thursday. In the 1989 hit movie “Field of Dreams,” Kevin Kostner’s character, Ray, hears a voice in his corn field that [...]

Reforming the NCUSIF is a legislative priority for NCUA

by Keith Leggett In its draft 2014 - 2017 Strategic Plan, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) identified one of its legislative priorities as "[i]mproving NCUA’s ability to manage the NCUSIF by providing [...]

Statements versus e-Statements

by. Jennifer Anderson How did you receive your account statements this month? What about your credit card statement? Credit unions are minimizing costs by electing to produce e-Statements rather than printed statements for members. Many [...]

A look back at compliance issues in 2013

A look back at compliance issues in 2013

Without a doubt, 2013 may have been one of most challenging years ever for dealing with new compliance requirements. January The New Year started out with a bang as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released [...]

Winning 2014

Winning 2014

Motivation comes in many forms. Some people thrive in a structured, rules-driven setting, while others are well-suited for a less restrictive environment. Rewards and the proverbial “dangling-carrot” fuel some, whereas others are inspired by different [...]

Omnicommerce: The member data dilemma

Omnicommerce: The member data dilemma

Guest post written by Lorena Harris, VP of Corporate Marketing, Vantiv.  In the third part of this three-part series, Lorena discusses how providing a consistent customer experience across channels is a critical component of omnicommerce. [...]