News Archives

Qualified mortgages – What are they and what do they mean for you?

by. Gail Hillebrand If you’re looking to buy a home in 2014, you’ve probably read or heard about something called a Qualified Mortgage. Here’s what you need to know about Qualified Mortgages, [...]

Validation in being a numbers geek

Validation in being a numbers geek

by. Amy Davis Sure, it doesn’t sound sexy to be a marketer and love numbers.  It doesn’t even sound like a trait that would be desired for a creative type.  Well, if you [...]

An MBL check-up

An MBL check-up

by. Karen Hodgkiss Jim Devine is founder, chairman, and CEO of Hipereon, Inc., and a specialist in commercial lending and credit administration. In January 2013, he discussed The Business Lending End Game in a post [...]

Does one size fit all?

by. Erik Payne What credit unions can learn from a Canadian bank’s 25% auto loan interest rate. According to a CBCNews article published Monday, TD Bank misled a British Columbia couple into a vehicle [...]

Why 2014 could be awful…

Why 2014 could be awful…

Stop right there…2014 should be an exceptional year! Yet, your year might be less than you hope for if you don’t take action on your strategic objectives.  I hate to be negative…but [...]

Public speaking: Just how bad can it get?

by Anthony Demangone I'm sure many of you give talks.  Perhaps it is at board meeting. Or a local Rotary Club. If you're like me, there's likely a butterfly or two before you begin your [...]

Debunking conventional wisdom

by. Jenn Barton Let’s say you are the primary person responsible for conducting the board of directors’ election for your credit union. It’s likely you take an administrative approach to the job, thinking [...]

Here’s what the new mortgage rules mean for you

by. Gail Hillebrand It’s simple. Our new mortgage rules mean you will have more information and more protection when you’re shopping for a loan and while you own your home. In the run-up [...]

CFPB keeps and eye on credit card purchases

by. Jeff Falk The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently released the “CARD Act Report,” summarizing the impact of the 2009 CARD Act on the consumer credit card market. The report draws upon publicly and [...]

Is your credit union ready to address liquidity shortfalls?

Is your credit union ready to address liquidity shortfalls?

by. Bob Rehm Today we're bringing you another guest blog post from our friends over at Credit Union Resources. Bob Rehm, VP, Sales and Service, presents some great insights into emergency liquidity. No doubt the [...]