News Archives

Three tips for building a social media following

If you want to do social media well, cultivate credibility in each social media outlets, according to social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk. Vaynerchuck, co-founder and CEO of VaynerMedia, a social media brand consulting agency, recently [...]

Compliance haze surrounds legal pot

Compliance haze surrounds legal pot

by. Henry Meier We’ve come a long way, for better or for worse. I won’t venture an opinion one way or the other in this blog since a Presidential candidate felt the need [...]

Expect 500-page mortgage applications in 2014

Expect 500-page mortgage applications in 2014

by. Paul Suchecki On January 10, 2014 new rules mandated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Dodd-Frank Act will increase the detail required for mortgage applications to the point where they could easily [...]

Options for posting accrued investment income at your credit union

by. Cheryl Ehmann Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require that any interest earned but not received at month-end be accrued in order to recognize the income in the appropriate accounting period. The formula for determining [...]

Credit monitoring is not the solution

by. Ron Shevlin In the wake of the Target data breach, the retailer announced that it would provide credit monitoring from Experian to the customers affected by the breach. With the number of consumers impacted [...]

Member Acquisition: A relevant strategic planning topic

Where will your next members come from? This question often comes up during credit union strategic planning sessions and it can spark great strategic discussions. The conversation usually starts with understanding and quantifying where current [...]

Much of worldwide youth not considered digital natives

by. Jeff Falk Despite popular belief, not all of today’s youth are attached at the hip to the Internet. In fact, a new Georgia Institute of Technology and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) study found [...]

10 traits of ego-driven leaders

10 traits of ego-driven leaders

by. Matt Monge We all struggle with ego — every single one of us. Ego-driven leadership is one of the most toxic elements that can be introduced to a team or organization. How can you tell [...]

We have clean toilets!

We have clean toilets!

by. Amy Etheridge As a credit union marketer I’m often faced with answering the million dollar question: How do we get people to better understand and want credit union membership. When we discuss this [...]

Make 2014 the year of the member

Make 2014 the year of the member

by. Mickie Lara It’s that time of year when most of us are feeling a little overindulged, shall we say, from the holiday season. Whether that means too much chocolate or too much money [...]