News Archives

The organic growth challenge

The organic growth challenge

What creates the types of places people love going to?  Think Disney…why do people like to go there?  Because of what they can buy?  Because of the rides?  Because of the nostalgia?  Maybe a [...]

3 Tips for telling your brand story

The act of banking is a commodity. You can walk a block or drive a mile and find dozens of banks, credit unions, and in some communities even predatory lenders. All are more than willing [...]

Zany Gen Y-targeted videos reap rewards

You know your credit union’s video efforts are a hit when... One clip racks up more than a half-million views on YouTube-and then gets hijacked by cyberpirates aiming to cash in on its lofty [...]

Focus on the positive

Focus on the positive

You never regret time spent exercising. After a good workout, you feel happier, more satisfied and healthier. Same goes for any activity or hobby that allows you to recharge. Why not apply a similarly uplifting [...]

5 surefire ways to ruin your credit union

5 surefire ways to ruin your credit union

by. Vicky Salkeld To kick off the 2014, my church began a new series called “How to Ruin Your Life”. The idea, though at first seemingly a negative approach, has proven to be a motivator [...]

Let loose the lawyers

by. Henry Meier Even though I can understand why few Americans are shedding a tear for the sharp decrease in law school admissions, sometimes I think that America’s excessive hatred of lawyers has real [...]

Lessons the Target breach taught credit unions

by. Nicole Reyes There hasn’t been a merchant breach nearly the size of Target’s in several years, and it created a bit of a scramble for solutions among many financial institution (FI) card [...]

Don’t get out, get even

Don’t get out, get even

For credit unions, the 2014 mortgage landscape is a rocky one. It’s no mystery at this point that new regulations set forth by the CFPB such as origination rules, servicing requirements and “ability to [...]

What is the impact of the Replicator filling up?

What is the impact of the Replicator filling up?

by. Kirk Drake Many of Ongoing Operations clients use our Replicator Data Vaulting product to both backup and recover their critical data.  The solution has been a big success and is currently on its third [...]