News Archives

Too much concentration on MBLs

by. Henry Meier No one is going to accuse CU Times of overstatement in its article today that “Risk Based Rule Hurts MBL Biz Model.” In putting forward this proposal, NCUA frankly acknowledges that its [...]

Biometrics headed for the payments industry

by. Nicole Reyes The authentication industry is ripe for innovation, largely because remembering and managing passwords is a huge pain for consumers. According to one 2013 survey, 85 percent of people are dissatisfied with current [...]

The compliance paradox: Budget vs. value

The compliance paradox: Budget vs. value

by. Shelbey Ballantyne It’s a given: successful financial institutions devote a lot of resources to compliance. And rightfully so, considering the potential fines and penalties of non-compliance. However, no institution wants to spend more [...]

Secrets of a successful email newsletter

Secrets of a successful email newsletter

Have you heard? Less is more especially when it comes to your email marketing newsletter. If you’re looking for easy ways to improve your existing newsletter (or start one from scratch) then look no [...]

Time to work together to protect all credit unions

by. Henry Meier I hate the snow and I hate the cold, so it’s only logical that I ended up living in the Northeast. I would love to ignore the snow coming down faster [...]

Formula for community charter growth

Formula for community charter growth

More and more credit unions have community charters. But those charter types do not guarantee automatic member growth. In fact, many community charters struggle to add new members. Rather than scrap for growth, credit unions [...]