News Archives

The Target story

The Target story

The attack on Target, which occurred during the holidays, has been all over the news, and it still is.  I’ve read several articles on the incident, pored over differing opinions and viewpoints.  The strange [...]

For my dad

For my dad

26 years ago this month, my dad went from alcoholic to recovering alcoholic. And has stayed that way ever since. For 9,490 days, he's made the simple and profound decision to not drink today. [...]

Atmosphere of accountability

by. Dan Berger Are you the kind of leader who takes responsibility for your organization? If you’ve had a slow month of revenue or realized a lost opportunity, do you take the blame or [...]

Share how you make a difference at TMG’s CUNA GAC booth!

by. Georgann Smith TMG is busy prepping for our “Smart Solutions That Make a Difference” exhibit at next month’s 2014 Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA’s) Government Affairs Conference (GAC). CUNA’s GAC [...]

Building a trust culture

Building a trust culture

How much does a lost member or customer cost your credit union or bank? And we’re not just talking dollars and cents here. The total expense of a lost member or customer can far [...]

New tools to explore mortgage data

by. Jessica Russell Last fall, we released a web-based tool showing basic mortgage statistics for counties and cities across the country. Today, we are adding new features so you can explore the data in more [...]

Breach hearings: How did security fail?

Breach hearings: How did security fail?

Testimony Before Congress Reveals Encryption Gaps by. Tracy Kitten Encryption gaps in retail payment card transactions were highlighted at a U.S. House hearing Feb. 5 called that examined security in the aftermath of malware [...]

8 ways to use your tax refund wisely

8 ways to use your tax refund wisely

by. Shirley Pulawski Tax time is right around the corner, and anyone anticipating a refund has probably started thinking about how that refund will be spent. For some people, a tax return is seen as [...]

Loyalty: 8 reasons why it is powerful stuff

Loyalty: 8 reasons why it is powerful stuff

Directors and officers of a corporation in making all decisions in their capacities as corporate fiduciaries must act without personal economic conflict. The duty of loyalty can be breached either by making a self-interested transaction [...]

Canadian cooperative champion

Canadian cooperative champion

Canadians are known around the world as being friendly, hospitable, and helpful.  These are great qualities that go hand in hand for those Canadians that work within the credit union movement.  Many of us are [...]

Data risks and protection

Data risks and protection

The recent Target data breach has certainly heightened the concerns about the safety of customer information. Data breaches (whether accidental or intentional) can be very costly in terms of damage to an organization’s reputation, [...]

What comes first, happiness or a strong corporate culture?

"The Zappos culture isn’t really about happiness. It has 10 core values, and happiness isn’t mentioned once among them." Written by Anthony Demangone Here's a wonderful article on Zappos.  I love reading about [...]

Innovative, unique, and inspiring marketing strategies for 2014

Innovative, unique, and inspiring marketing strategies for 2014

While working on my marketing initiatives for 2014, I started to contemplate other ways to spend our marketing dollars besides traditional advertising. We are going through a rebrand this year and I vowed to not [...]

Credit union saves members $1.2 million

Credit union saves members $1.2 million

by. Michael Neill Missional leadership is a means for an organization to keep focus on its purpose relative to those it serves. It’s more than a management theory—successful implementation can pay off in [...]