News Archives

Credit union employee challenges: Good or bad news?

by. Anthony Demangone Last week, I asked you this: What are the three biggest things affecting your personal performance in a negative way? Here's what you said. Here's the Here's a link to a high-density [...]

Ready, aim, fire vs. Fire, fire, fire

Ready, aim, fire vs. Fire, fire, fire

by. Erin Templer Scott Isaksen, president of Creative Problem Solving Group and a professor II of leadership and organizational behavior at the Norwegian Business School, had the CEO/chair teams attending CUES Symposium on their [...]

‘Ditch your bank’ awareness campaign opens eyes

Seizing on the tone of the times, BayPort Credit Union staged an aggressive awareness campaign urging consumers in and around Newport News, Va., to "Ditch Your Bank"—and many of them did just that. The $[...]

How qualified is your qualified mortgage?

by. Henry Meier This is a story about Jack and Diane; two American kids who lost touch after a sordid affair in High School. Each of them go to college, get a job, and are [...]

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Won’t you be my neighbor?

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I have always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you so let’s make the most of this beautiful day, since we’re together I might [...]

Teddy, Moses and Buford

Teddy, Moses and Buford

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” I offer those words of advice to the thousands of credit union officers, directors, employees and advocates who will come to Washington, D.[...]

Winds of change blowing the house down

Winds of change blowing the house down

In a couple of weeks, thousands of credit union industry representatives will be heading to Washington to attend the annual CUNA Government Affairs Conference (GAC). When folks head to Capitol Hill special consideration should be [...]

It’s time to calculate that PTO!

by. Amanda Brenneman This past weekend something bright, yellow and warm appeared out of nowhere here in Salem, Oregon. It was a rare sighting and something I felt faintly familiar with… After wracking my brain [...]

Developing strategic thinkers in your credit union

by. Jeff Randel Strategic thinking is not a detached process that happens once or twice each year at the all-managers meeting or your strategic planning session. Strategic thinking is a daily exercise where managers lean [...]

What will opening an account look like in 10 years?

by. Melanie Friedrichs Fifty years ago, there was only one way to open an account: head downtown to your local bank, find a clerk, and ask him or her to help you. Today, you can [...]

A twist on an attention-generating marketing technique

by. Joe Swatek I’ve written about many of the techniques direct mail marketers use to encourage prospects to open the envelope and examine its contents. Here’s a newer version of a decades-old technique. [...]

Ding dong, the witch is dead

by. Henry Meier Well, it’s all but official that no major tax reform, let alone tax reform putting the credit union tax exemption at risk, will take place this year. Not only is the [...]