News Archives

Personalizing your marketing

by. Mark Arnold You’ve probably received plenty of junk mail in your home mailbox. A lot of these soon-to-be-discarded letters may have rubbed you the wrong way before you even opened them, with “Occupant” [...]

Are you avoiding this employment pitfall?

by. Henry Meier I understand why some of you can’t stand compliance.  After all, a successful compliance program often depends on strict adherence to mind-numbing regulations, which can seem divorced from reality, let alone [...]

CFF transparency, not!

by. Keith Leggett I have been stonewalled by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) regarding two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information about the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF). The first FOIA was seeking [...]

Ukraine credit unions stand strong

Ukraine credit unions stand strong

The grave situation that has recently unfolded in the Ukraine has again put us and the world on notice of the small value some place on the lives of others. Few can imagine the fear [...]

Never stop learning

Never stop learning

by. Dan Berger I read about a book a week in the evenings and on weekends. Given the rapidly changing world we live in, my reading choices consist of books and blogs covering financial markets [...]

Cash moves over for e-wallets

by. Jeff Falk A new study claims alternative payment methods, including e-wallets, mobile payments and bank transfers, are seeing growth worldwide. The study Your Global Guide to Alternative Payments by WorldPay predicts that online purchases [...]

Credit unions should focus on new car loans

Credit unions should focus on new car loans

by. Dean Borland These days my waking hours are divided relatively evenly between exploring financial products, facilitating strategic planning, and doing my best to help spoil a gaggle of granddaughters. For the past few years, [...]

3 examples of confidentiality and its limits

by. Henry Meier One of the trickiest questions facing businesses of all sizes, regulators, lawyers and policy makers is how to draw a line between encouraging the disclosure of information in an age when a [...]

Reading into the numbers

Well it’s that time of year when Callahan & Associates releases their quarterly Trendwatch, and reports on Credit Union performance. I’m always interested in the mortgage market share. It should be no surprise [...]

Competing against community charters

While more and more credit unions are moving to a community charter, there are still plenty that are not. So how do you compete if you are a single or multi-sponsor credit union? You don’[...]