News Archives

What CEOs want their board to know

by. Leisa Goodman In his work coaching more than 300 boards, Les Wallace, Ph.D., has found common themes among their CEOs. “There are many items CEOS regularly ask me to remind their boards of,” [...]

Are you making a subprime loan?

by. Henry Meier One of the most amazing things about watching the legislative process in New York State is that, as a friend of mine once explained, key staff people in the Capitol tend to [...]

Opening up a community at an open house

Mortgage originators are often looking for a way to differentiate themselves in a crowded market with real estate agents. One valuable way is to help a Realtor is to provide assistance with open houses (Remember [...]

History of Payments: Charge it!

History of Payments: Charge it!

by. Bill Prichard Last week, we looked at two great movements in the history of payments: “Let’s Trade” and “Cash Is King.” Cash had a lengthy reign, indeed, lasting from about 630 B.C. [...]

Credit unions need to know KBYO

Credit unions need to know KBYO

Know Before You Owe (KBYO), the new mortgage disclosure regulation, does not take effect until August 2015.  So why talk about it now? This change in mortgage disclosures is sweeping, and, in many respects, bigger [...]

Google friendly, compliance happy marketing

Google friendly, compliance happy marketing

When implementing a content marketing strategy, credit unions often ask: “If our content strategy must follow compliance rules, will our content still make an impact?” In short, the answer is “Yes it can!” Here are [...]

Top four considerations for recovering your credit union network

Top four considerations for recovering your credit union network

by. Robin Remines Ongoing Operations has worked with hundreds of credit unions and seen numerous disaster recovery strategies brought to their knees by poor connectivity choices.   In many ways, we would argue the most important [...]

Deciphering social media analytics

by. Georgann Smith Through social media analytics (SMA) financial institutions (FIs) can unearth opportunities to improve education on existing products and services, as well as shape product development to better serve consumers. SMA arms FIs [...]

Credit unions score major victory

by. Henry Meier Credit unions scored a major victory on Friday when a federal appeals court in Washington reversed the decision of a district court and upheld regulations promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board to [...]

Why there is no Amazon of banking

Why there is no Amazon of banking

by. Ron Shevlin According to a recent American Banker article titled Amazon Becomes Retail Bank Role Model: “Amazon has revolutionized everything from publishing to online shopping. Can it save retail banking? At Retail Banking 2014, [...]

The most popular devices in mobile account opening

by. Melanie Friedrichs In January Andera released a special report called “The Future of Account Opening” (check it out here if you haven’t yet) that had lots of serious stuff in it about things [...]