News Archives

The Debanked: An update on unbanked consumers

by. Ron Shevlin Most of you are genuinely nice, caring people who sincerely want to help other people who may be in need. Whatever. But for too many of you, your view of what it [...]

Burning down the house

by. Henry Meier Call me wacky, but I don’t think a convicted arsonist should be able to collect insurance for burning down his house. If you agree, you’ll understand why I am a [...]

Here’s the story of payday lending…

Here’s the story of payday lending…

by Ken Agle The first Latin phrase I ever learned was caveat emptor. I learned this vocabulary from The Brady Bunch episode where Mike Brady (the father, as you know) intended to help his son [...]

Man v. Cloud: 3 tips for migrating to the cloud

Man v. Cloud: 3 tips for migrating to the cloud

I love Man v. Food! The concept of some poor bloke pitting himself against the biggest, tastiest, spiciest foodstuffs that the United States of America can throw at him has an unending appeal for me. [...]

Quick tips for improving employee communications during a crisis

Quick tips for improving employee communications during a crisis

by. Robin Remines Incidents happen all the time (storms, power failures, network outages) and credit unions  must be prepared. Risk mitigation is simply part of the job for every credit union employee. Our role is [...]

If you’re not mobile, you’re not banking

by. Henry Meier One of my favorite surveys (yes these are the type of things I look forward to) is the Federal Reserve’s Annual Survey of the use of mobile and smart phones (those [...]

Marketing gurus and marketing morons

Marketing gurus and marketing morons

by. Ron Shevlin Dr. John Dawes nails it. In a white paper titled Marketing Gurus and Fads – how to avoid them, Dawes writes: “Marketing abounds with ‘fads’ – which over-promise and under-deliver. These messages are sometimes [...]

Dodd-Frank: What does it mean for you?

by. Alan Jackson After the events of the last few years, not many would argue that the framework regulating American financial institutions was in need of reform. However, the main piece of legislation that was [...]