News Archives

Wrap your gifts nicely

Wrap your gifts nicely

You are a gift to the world. The gifts and unique talents that you bring to your workplace should not be sold short by your employer, boss or by yourself. One great way to bring [...]

Gwyneth Paltrow: A marketing genius, kind of.

By: Bo McDonald Last week actress Gwyneth Paltrow announced her separation from musician husband Chris Martin on her website “GOOP.” Her statement began as you would expect: “It is with hearts full of sadness that [...]

Inspire productivity

by. Dan Berger There are certain times of the year when you can expect some staff to be a bit more preoccupied with non-work activities. March Madness is one of them. As talk of brackets [...]

How to spot a marketing moron

by. Ron Shevlin While we’re on the topic of marketing morons….If you’ve got good suggestions for spotting a marketing moron, I’ll update the picture with your description.

Greed or stupidity?

We’ve all heard the famous quote “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” There are countless examples of it being true and I wonder if we are starting to see [...]

What Nike’s Air Jordan can teach credit unions about branding

Winning the attention and loyalty of today’s disengaged banking consumers is no simple task. While most financial institutions continue to rely on old marketing strategies to grow, there are lessons we can learn from [...]

Chastised at the branch

Chastised at the branch

“You know you could have done that online”. Boom. There it was. I had made a concentrated effort to stop by my local branch to conduct some business. I hadn’t been inside for a [...]

Everything is communication

by. Anthony Demangone If you help lead an organization, you are communicating 24/7.  The way you talk. Walk. Dress.  It all says something.  Abe knew a thing or two about communicating. That's why I [...]

Don’t be a “wuss” when spreading the credit union message

Want to cultivate a positive working relationship with the press? Know the media outlet’s focus and audience, provide fresh story angles—and above all, don’t be boring. So say Lauren French (above left), [...]

Why most vision statements fall short

Why most vision statements fall short

A vision statement is a critical component of any successful business. Ironically, it is also the most overlooked and undervalued business component. In most companies, vision statements spend more time decorating walls then they spend [...]