News Archives

Limitations enhance creativity

Limitations enhance creativity

by. Theresa Witham Phil Hansen was attending art school when he developed a shake in his hand that affected his ability to make the kind of art he wanted to make. He left art for [...]

NCUA: Credit unions finished 2013 strong, but challenges remain

by. Aaron Passman Loans, membership, and net worth at federally insured credit unions continued to rise during the last quarter of 2013, but net interest margins remain on the decline, according to fourth-quarter data released [...]

Something’s different about us…yet still the same

by. Bill Priemer Our company was founded, more than 20 years ago now, with a single, simple mission: to help a small bank in Necedah, Wisconsin, achieve its full potential. In close collaboration with this [...]

Can social media help credit unions prevent fraud?

by. Nicole Reyes What if your mobile banking app had the power to talk to your customers’ social media accounts? Imagine the things it could learn – a customer’s location, for example. By syncing banking [...]

NCUA makes Share Insurance Fund safest in the world!

by. Henry Meier As readers of this blog will know, there are days when the amount of news is so great that I do away with my normal commentary to highlight the latest developments.  This [...]

People are your best investments

People are your best investments

I’ve talked about what makes a successful workplace in past articles and how organizations can optimize their work environments through employee engagement. We are all know that today’s workplace is ever-evolving, becoming more [...]

April is #brassmoneymonth

April is #brassmoneymonth

This year marks the 11th annual national designation of April as Financial Literacy Month. Last year, the brass Student Program hosted a very successful poster and movie trailer contest to celebrate. This year, we’re [...]

The future of credit unions will be bright if…

The future of credit unions will be bright if…

by. Theresa Witham Last month, the credit union industry descended on Washington, D.C., for the annual CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference. CUES was excited to be there launching our new brand. I was excited to [...]

It’s World Backup Day. Not that YOU care.

by. Ron Daly Ah, that wonderful spring air. The trees are in bud, the flowers are in bloom, the weather...well, the weather hasn't made up its mind just yet. All the calendars say it's [...]

3 ways network diagrams (maps) may save your credit union

3 ways network diagrams (maps) may save your credit union

Today’s credit union technology infrastructures are so complex that savvy CIOs are stepping up their efforts to capture as much detail as possible in network diagrams. Why the sudden interest in these artfully drawn [...]

Is your data breach plan in place and up to date?

by. Nicole Reyes Is your financial institution (FI) prepared for the next breach? It’s no longer a question of “if” a breach will occur; it’s a question of “when.” Just the other day, [...]

Things that are certain

Things that are certain

Benjamin Franklin once said that the only certain things in life are death and paying taxes. Well, we all know not everyone pays income taxes, so I guess that is not for certain. We do [...]