News Archives

Old dog, new tricks

Old dog, new tricks

A few months ago, it hit me that compared to my co-workers, I was now one of the “old dogs” in the office.  That was quite a sobering moment.  It seems that just a couple [...]

Use mobile for advanced banking services on the rise

Use mobile for advanced banking services on the rise

by. Brian Scott U.S. consumers are using their mobile devices more often to fill out financial institution (FI) online account applications, according to a new report from Andera and Celent. The report concluded that [...]

3 reasons exchange is still #1 in credit unions

by. Robin Remines It’s no secret that email is considered one of the most valuable communications tools for credit unions. Email is used for everyday communications to staff and members and also plays a [...]

Growing investments means embracing Gen X and Gen Y now

A tremendous amount of wealth is going to change hands through inheritance in the next 10 years, and the indicators are not good that credit unions will retain this wealth unless they start actively engaging [...]

Wharton, dream to reality in t-minus a couple of days

by. Amanda Brenneman “Mom, Dad, I’m going to Wharton!” That’s how the conversation went that Nov. 6, 2013, morning. I needed to be pinched then, and I still do. Five months after that [...]

Matz to home-based credit unions: Drop dead

With the tone of a parent anxious to get their free-loading college graduate to get his own place, Chairman Matz proclaimed Friday in an interview with CU Times that the days of the erstwhile home-based [...]

Marketing done the George Carlin way

By: Bo McDonald You may think by the title of this article that I’m going to refer to the infamous “Seven Dirty Words” never to be broadcast.   An airing of George Carlin’s bit [...]